Обложка журнала
Journal title (English)
Language of publication
1998-0744 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 25183
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements for the paper

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

The article should:

  • take into account all the recent changes in the current legislation;
  • contain references to normative documents;
  • be carefully checked and accompanied by review.

Length of the article: 5-15 pages. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, version Word-98 or higher. The main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 14 PT; line spacing - 1,5.

The article should include:

  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author);
  • title, abstract (100-250 words), keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon), references (laws and regulations should be cited with their full name, number and date of adoption).

Drawings, photographs should be created or processed in the programs Adobe Illustrator 7.0-10.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0-8 and saved in TIF, EPS, Al, or JPG formats. All tables, charts and diagrams should be embedded in the text and have a connection (to be available for editing) with the program in which they are created, the file resolution - 300 dpi.

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag10@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

All articles submitted for publication in the journal "Relevant school" are reviewed and approved by the Editorial board.

The article is sent to the reviewer. The reviewer can be a member of the Editorial board (internal review) or an independent expert (external review).

Reviewing is carried out on condition of anonymity.

After review the article may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication.

The review must:

  • assess the work and possibility of the publication the article in the journal;
  • enumerate particular mistakes in methodology and tools;
  • provide recommendations how to improve the text.

Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the materials placed in the portfolio of the Editorial board for further publication. The responsible employee of the Editorial board should inform the author about it.

Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewer the article discussed on the meeting of the working group of the Editorial board, which takes the decision to reject the article or to send the article to an edditional reviewing of the independent expert.

In case of rejection of the article the author receives an email notification signed by the Executive secretary of the journal.

Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the materials placed in the portfolio of editorial Board for further publication. The responsible employee of the Editorial board should inform the author about it.

Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewer the article on the meeting of the working group of the editorial Board, which takes the decision to reject the article or need more review of the independent expert.

In case of rejection of the article the author receives an email notification signed by the Executive Secretary of the journal).

The final decision about the publication of the article and approval of the contents of the rooms is made by the editorial Board.

Reviewing and approval of articles takes from 30 to 60 days, then articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial board may decide on an extraordinary publication of the article in connection with its relevance.

The preparation of the article for the publication which is carried out by the editorial office of the journal consists of usual literary editing and operational development of the text to the demanded editorial standards accepted within the journal. Edition can independently choose to author's materials illustrations, change headings, reduce texts and bring in manuscripts necessary stylistic editing without coordination with authors.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Kuznecov Aleksandr Andreevich  — Glavnyy redaktor
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Abaturova Valentina  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora
Zhurnal "Profil'naya shkola" ( Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kravcov Sergey Sergeevich  — Chlen redkollegii
Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere obrazovaniya i nauki, ( rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Novikova Tatyana  — Chlen redkollegii
GAOU VO «Moskovskiy institut otkrytogo obrazovaniya» (Centra kar'ernogo razvitiya upravlencheskih kadrov, direktor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
Rachevskiy Efim Lazarevich  — Chlen redkollegii
Ryzhakov Mikhail  — Chlen redkollegii
Russian Academy of Education ( Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Shishov Sergey  — Chlen redkollegii
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Institute of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Chudov Vladimir Leonidovich  — Chlen redkollegii
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Bolotov Viktor  — Membrer of Editorial Board
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Center of education quality monitoring, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Barannikov Anatoliy Vital'evich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Danyushenkov Vladimir Stepanovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Kiselev Aleksandr  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of historical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation
Kuz'minov Yaroslav Ivanovich  — Chlen redsoveta
candidate of economic sciences
Nikitin Eduard Mihaylovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Taradanova Irina Ivanovna  — Chlen redsoveta
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Frumin Isaak Davidovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Shaydenko Nadezhda Anatol'evna  — a member of ed. Board
Centr strategicheskogo planirovaniya razvitiya obrazovaniem, ekspertizy i nauchnogo konsul'tirovaniya Ministerstva obrazovaniya Tul'skoy oblasti ( rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor
Russian Federation
INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Registration address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
The certificate of registration of the periodical (print)
№ФС 77-67286
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper (print)


Since July 2003, the Ministry of Education and Russiam Academy of Education began publication of scientific and methodological journal "Profession-Oriented School". The journal is aimed at the coverage of the introduction and development of profession-oriented education in schools across the country. Normative documents, information of the progress and results of the experiments on the introduction of profile training, questions of pre training and career counseling students, professional education content problems, questions unified state exam - this is not a complete list of the subjects of publications.

The main topics of the journal:

  • official information;
  • public opinion;
  • questions of theory;
  • practice;
  • experiment;
  • foreign experience.

Frequency: 6 issues per year.

The journal is included in the American database of periodical and serial publications of Ulrich's.

Subscription index in the catalogue of the Agency "Rospechat" - 82390.


Requirements for the paper

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

The article should:

  • take into account all the recent changes in the current legislation;
  • contain references to normative documents;
  • be carefully checked and accompanied by review.

Length of the article: 5-15 pages. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, version Word-98 or higher. The main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 14 PT; line spacing - 1,5.

The article should include:

  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author);
  • title, abstract (100-250 words), keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon), references (laws and regulations should be cited with their full name, number and date of adoption).

Drawings, photographs should be created or processed in the programs Adobe Illustrator 7.0-10.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0-8 and saved in TIF, EPS, Al, or JPG formats. All tables, charts and diagrams should be embedded in the text and have a connection (to be available for editing) with the program in which they are created, the file resolution - 300 dpi.

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag10@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

All articles submitted for publication in the journal "Relevant school" are reviewed and approved by the Editorial board.

The article is sent to the reviewer. The reviewer can be a member of the Editorial board (internal review) or an independent expert (external review).

Reviewing is carried out on condition of anonymity.

After review the article may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication.

The review must:

  • assess the work and possibility of the publication the article in the journal;
  • enumerate particular mistakes in methodology and tools;
  • provide recommendations how to improve the text.

Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the materials placed in the portfolio of the Editorial board for further publication. The responsible employee of the Editorial board should inform the author about it.

Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewer the article discussed on the meeting of the working group of the Editorial board, which takes the decision to reject the article or to send the article to an edditional reviewing of the independent expert.

In case of rejection of the article the author receives an email notification signed by the Executive secretary of the journal.

Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the materials placed in the portfolio of editorial Board for further publication. The responsible employee of the Editorial board should inform the author about it.

Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewer the article on the meeting of the working group of the editorial Board, which takes the decision to reject the article or need more review of the independent expert.

In case of rejection of the article the author receives an email notification signed by the Executive Secretary of the journal).

The final decision about the publication of the article and approval of the contents of the rooms is made by the editorial Board.

Reviewing and approval of articles takes from 30 to 60 days, then articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial board may decide on an extraordinary publication of the article in connection with its relevance.

The preparation of the article for the publication which is carried out by the editorial office of the journal consists of usual literary editing and operational development of the text to the demanded editorial standards accepted within the journal. Edition can independently choose to author's materials illustrations, change headings, reduce texts and bring in manuscripts necessary stylistic editing without coordination with authors.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

                        Abaturova Valentina
Abaturova Valentina Zhurnal "Profil'naya shkola" ( Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

                        Agahanov N. H.
Agahanov N. H. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (Department of General Phisics, associate professor)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

                        Akimov A.
Akimov A. Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University (Department of Mathematical Analysis, Associate Professor)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


                        Aksenova G.
Aksenova G. Moscow Pedagogical State University (Department of Russian History, Professor)
doctor of historical sciences

                        Aleksandrov B.
Aleksandrov B. Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE)
candidate of historical sciences

                        Arnautova E.
Arnautova E. Institute of Childhood, Moscow State Pedagogical University (Department of Psychological Anthropology )
candidate of pedagogical sciences


                        Arhipov E.
Arhipov E. College of Police ( Lecturer of Geography and Natural Science)

                        Bagramyan E.
Bagramyan E. Academy of Professional Development and Re-Training of Educators
candidate of pedagogical sciences

                        Baisalov Joomart
Baisalov Joomart Kyrgyz State University name I. Arabaev ( professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic ,
Excellent research and education trade union movement ,
Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz National University

                        Barinova I.
Barinova I. Moscow Institute of Open Education
doctor of pedagogical sciences


                        Barinova I. I.
Barinova I. I. Moscow Pedagogical State University ( Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

                        Bashmakova M.
Bashmakova M. Bryansk State Technical University (Department “Higher Mathematics”, Associate Professor)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


                        Belyak Elena
Belyak Elena Tyumen Industrial University, Tobolsk Industrial Institute (branch) (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, associate professor)
candidate of pedagogical sciences


                        Bershadskaya E. A.
Bershadskaya E. A. Academy of Professional Development and Re-Training of Educational Professionals (the Department of Education Developmen, Head)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

                        Bershadskiy M.
Bershadskiy M. Academy of Professional Development and Re-Training of Educational Professionals (Department of Education Development, Professor)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Kuznecov Aleksandr Andreevich  — Glavnyy redaktor
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Abaturova Valentina  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora
Zhurnal "Profil'naya shkola" ( Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kravcov Sergey Sergeevich  — Chlen redkollegii
Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere obrazovaniya i nauki, ( rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Novikova Tatyana  — Chlen redkollegii
GAOU VO «Moskovskiy institut otkrytogo obrazovaniya» (Centra kar'ernogo razvitiya upravlencheskih kadrov, direktor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
Rachevskiy Efim Lazarevich  — Chlen redkollegii

Ryzhakov Mikhail  — Chlen redkollegii
Russian Academy of Education ( Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Shishov Sergey  — Chlen redkollegii
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Institute of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Chudov Vladimir Leonidovich  — Chlen redkollegii
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Bolotov Viktor  — Membrer of Editorial Board
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Center of education quality monitoring, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Barannikov Anatoliy Vital'evich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Danyushenkov Vladimir Stepanovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Kiselev Aleksandr  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of historical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation
Kuz'minov Yaroslav Ivanovich  — Chlen redsoveta
candidate of economic sciences

Nikitin Eduard Mihaylovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Taradanova Irina Ivanovna  — Chlen redsoveta
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Frumin Isaak Davidovich  — Chlen redsoveta
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Shaydenko Nadezhda Anatol'evna  — a member of ed. Board
Centr strategicheskogo planirovaniya razvitiya obrazovaniem, ekspertizy i nauchnogo konsul'tirovaniya Ministerstva obrazovaniya Tul'skoy oblasti ( rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor

Russian Federation


Code 37
Name Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга

Journal's mission


Since July 2003, the Ministry of Education and Russiam Academy of Education began publication of scientific and methodological journal "Profession-Oriented School". The journal is aimed at the coverage of the introduction and development of profession-oriented education in schools across the country. Normative documents, information of the progress and results of the experiments on the introduction of profile training, questions of pre training and career counseling students, professional education content problems, questions unified state exam - this is not a complete list of the subjects of publications.

The main topics of the journal:

  • official information;
  • public opinion;
  • questions of theory;
  • practice;
  • experiment;
  • foreign experience.

Frequency: 6 issues per year.

The journal is included in the American database of periodical and serial publications of Ulrich's.

Subscription index in the catalogue of the Agency "Rospechat" - 82390.


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