Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
GRNTI 06.35 Учетно-экономические науки
OKSO 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
BBK 606 Статистика
TBK 9007 Экономика. Управление. Бизнес. Право
The textbook examines in detail one of the sections of socio-economic statistics - statistics of wages and labor costs. Wages are a category not only economic, but also social. It is the most important indicator and catalyst of the country's socio-economic development. In addition to the theoretical aspects of the statistics of wages and labor costs, the manual contains examples of solving problems, questions and tasks for self-control, tasks for independent solutions. The purpose of the development of the manual is to provide students with assistance in the direction "Economics" in the study of this section of socio-economic statistics, as well as for anyone interested in this direction.
wages, labor costs, wage systems, wage forms, composition of the wage fund, average wage level, wage dynamics, labor productivity growth rates, wage growth rates, International Labor Organization.
1. The course of socio-economic statistics: Textbook. For university students studying in the specialty "Statistics" / ed. M.G. Nazarov. - 6 th ed., Rev. and additional. - Moscow: Omega-L 2007. - 984 p .: ill., Tab. - (Higher economic education).
2. Luginin O.E. Statistics in market economy \ O.E. Luginin. - Ed. 2 nd, ext. and pererab. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006. - 509, [1] c.
3. Maslova NP, Naukhatskaya T.Ya., Polyakova I.A. Socio-economic statistics. Textbook. Rostov-n / D, 2006, 396 p.
4. Melkumov Y.S. Socio-economic statistics: Textbook. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2011. - 236 with. - (Higher education).
5. Socio-economic statistics. Practical work / N.M. Goreeva, L.N. Demidova, L.M. Cleanser. S.A. Nuts; Ed. Dr. econ. Sciences, prof. S.A. Orekhov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2007. - 384 p. - (Higher economic education).
6. Socio-economic statistics: a textbook for bachelors / ed. M.R. Efimova. - 2 nd ed., Pererab. and additional. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House; ID Yurayt, 2012. - 591 p. - Series: Bachelor.
7. Economic statistics: Textbook. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and additional. Ed. prof. Yu.N. Ivanova. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2008. - 736 p. - (Classical university textbook).
8. Encyclopedia of statistical terms in 8 volumes, volume 5 "Demographic and Social Statistics." - Federal Service of State Statistics. - Moscow. - 2011
12. Shumilina V.E. Analysis of the unemployment rate in the Russian Federation for 2011-2012 \\ "Science and Peace" - 2014 - №1, URL:
13. Shumilina V.E. The impact of illegal migration on the economic security of the state. \\ Fundamental science and technology - promising developments. Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. North Cherleston, USA, 2017
14. Shumilina V.E. The concept of human capital and its role in the economic security of the Russian Federation // Science and World Science & World. - 2017, -? 2; URL:
15. Shumilina V.E. Human Capital in the System of Economic Security of the State: Construction and Architecture-2017. Faculty of Information and Economic Systems: Materials of Scientific and Practical Conf. (Rostov-on-Don, November 28-30, 2017) / red. L.B. Zelentsov [and others]; Donskoy gos.tehn. un-t. - Rostov-on-Don: DSTU, 2017. - 305 p.