employee from 01.01.2007 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
The textbook presents the key foundations and concepts of the theory of public administration. The ontology description, features, subjective-objective structure, tools, process state management. The basic provisions of the modern paradigm of public administration are shown. The key theoretical issues and actual problems of legal support, planning, design and implementation of public administration are revealed. The content of the reference to the material of legal acts and documents, the existing scientific concepts and approaches, the content of scientific discussions are presented. The legislation is given as of January 15, 2019. Quotations from foreign sources (including those given in epigraphs), unless otherwise indicated, are given in the translations of the author of this publication, as well as the translation of the names of used foreign sources in footnotes. Recommended by chapters literature – on the text of paragraphs in footnotes. In the textbook the volume of the given reference to the stated material illustrative examples from practice, from the real political sphere is minimized. The level of presentation – increased complexity. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education of the last generation. For undergraduate students of educational institutions of higher education studying in the areas of training 38.04.04 State and municipal administration (master's level), 40.04.01 Law (master's level), for students of master of Public Administration programs, graduate and doctoral students, lawyers, economists, managers, managers and employees of state and municipal administration, as well as for all those interested in the named thematic horizon.