The textbook deals with the General theory of navigation, necessary for the development of the material, revealing the principles of construction and operation of ground facilities and radio navigation systems. The General characteristic of technical means of navigation is given. The classification is given and the generalized block diagrams and the main characteristics of radio navigation systems are considered. Navigation concepts and terms are explained. The lines of positions, coordinate systems used in aviation navigation, coordinate transformations are considered. The technique of construction and analysis of working zones of radio navigation systems is shown. The modern re-quirements of aviation consumers to the accuracy of navigation are given. The main attention is paid to the theoreti-cal aspects and principles of radio navigation systems. The model of the block diagram, the basic mathematical equations characterizing the operation of non directional beacons, automatic direction finders, very high frequency omni-directional radio beacons VOR (DVOR), distance measuring equipment beacons DME, instrumental landing systems ILS, marker beacons are given. As examples of practical implementation the structural schemes are given, the main characteristics of radio navigation systems of the Russian production are considered. The textbook also describes the ba-sic principles and features of the use of satellite navigation systems to solve the problems of landing and multi-lateration systems. The presented text material is accompanied by a sufficient number of illustrations. This book is intended for college students of the aviation and radio technical educational profile specializations connected with aeronautical radio electronical equipment operation. This book can be useful to the specialists of aviation enterprises and flying personnel who operate technical means of aeronautical radio navigation. It can also be useful for aeronautic and aerospace equipment’s operation.
The textbook deals with the General theory of navigation, necessary for the development of the material, revealing the principles of construction and operation of ground facilities and radio navigation systems. The General characteristic of technical means of navigation is given. The classification is given and the generalized block diagrams and the main characteristics of radio navigation systems are considered. Navigation concepts and terms are explained. The lines of positions, coordinate systems used in aviation navigation, coordinate transformations are considered. The technique of construction and analysis of working zones of radio navigation systems is shown. The modern re-quirements of aviation consumers to the accuracy of navigation are given. The main attention is paid to the theoreti-cal aspects and principles of radio navigation systems. The model of the block diagram, the basic mathematical equations characterizing the operation of non directional beacons, automatic direction finders, very high frequency omni-directional radio beacons VOR (DVOR), distance measuring equipment beacons DME, instrumental landing systems ILS, marker beacons are given. As examples of practical implementation the structural schemes are given, the main characteristics of radio navigation systems of the Russian production are considered. The textbook also describes the ba-sic principles and features of the use of satellite navigation systems to solve the problems of landing and multi-lateration systems. The presented text material is accompanied by a sufficient number of illustrations. This book is intended for college students of the aviation and radio technical educational profile specializations connected with aeronautical radio electronical equipment operation. This book can be useful to the specialists of aviation enterprises and flying personnel who operate technical means of aeronautical radio navigation. It can also be useful for aeronautic and aerospace equipment’s operation.