Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the manual basics command interfey-are covered са operating systems of UNIX family. Much attention is paid to practical use of teams of system and opportunities of language programming, shell provided by a cover. In a grant vklyu- Chena also some sections devoted to bases administrirova- niya and to network means of OS. At the end of each section there are questions for self-checking, the appendix contains a large number at - mayors of writing of shell-procedures. The manual is addressed to the students studying the modern information technologies according to programs of a bachelor degree, and also all, who wants to master the OS command interface of family independently UNIX in the shortest possible time. The edition can also be used as the short reference book on wasps - new UNIX OS.


1. Operatsionnaya sistema UNIX: Printsipy organizatsii, idealogiya i arkhitektura, pol´zovatel´skiy i programmnyy intefreysy [Tekst] / A.M. Robachevskiy. - 2-e izd. — SPB.: izd-vo BKhV-Peterburg, 2010. — 667 s.

2. Unix i Linux. Rukovodstvo sistemnogo administratora [Tekst] / Evi Nemet, Gart Snayder, Trent R. Kheyn, Ben Ueyli. — M.: izd-vo Vil´yams, 2012. — 1312 s.

3. Komandnaya stroka Linux i stsenarii obolochki [Tekst] / Richard Blum, Kristina Bresnakhen. — M.: izd-vo Dialektika, 2013. — 784 s.

4. Linux. Neobkhodimyy kod i komandy. Karmannyy spravochnik [Tekst] / Skott Granneman. — M.: izd-vo Vil´yams, 2010. — 416 s.

5. UNIX dlya studenta [Tekst] / Yuriy Magda. — SPB: izd-vo BKhV-Peterburg, 2007. — 480 s.

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