Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The Yakutsk Meridional Chain (YMC) of IKFIA SB RAS, located along the 190° magnetic meridian, is equipped with geophysical and radiophysical instruments for monitoring space weather in northeast-ern Russia. YMC includes four basic stations in Yakutsk, Tixie, Zhigansk, and Maymaga, and six additional observation sites in Neryungri, Zyryanka, Kystatyam, Dzhardzhan, Chokurdakh, and Kotelny Island. It provides continuous monitoring of near-Earth space in order to obtain data on magnetic field variations, cosmic radio noise, VLF radiation, and ionospheric parameters in the complex upper atmosphere – ionosphere –magnetosphere system. In addition, long-term experimental research into space weather effects on human health is conducted at Tixie and Yakutsk. The report describes the meridional chain of instruments at subauroral and auroral latitudes and gives a brief overview of scientific results of monitoring and investigation into space weather effects in Yakutia. It also observes participation of IKFIA SB RAS in international projects (Intermagnet, MAGDAS, GIRO).

Ключевые слова:
meridional chain, magnetometer, digisonde, space weather
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Список литературы

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