Якутск, Россия
Якутск, Россия
Якутск, Россия
We present results of modeling of the electron temperature distribution in the F region of the subauroral ionosphere for different helio-geomagnetic conditions with consideration for magnetospheric heat fluxes. It is shown that under quiet geomagnetic condi-tions during a winter period in the dawn and dusk sec-tors “hot” zones with a higher electron temperature are formed, and under disturbed geomagnetic conditions an annular “hot” region is formed in a time interval 04–06 UT as a result of heat inflow from Earth’s magnetosphere along magnetic field lines. The analysis of the DE-2 satellite data demonstrates that such zones can be formed during geomagnetic disturbances.
subauroral ionosphere, electron temperature, heat flux, three-dimensional model, ring current, F2 region, elevated electron temperature regions, longitudinal features
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