Брянск, Брянская область, Россия
Рассмотрены общие вопросы, связанные с проектированием, внедрением и использованием автоматизированной системы рейтинговой оценки профессиональной деятельности персонала на примере научно-педагогических работников вуза (АС РОПД НПР).
рейтинговая оценка, автоматизированная система, результативность профессиональной деятельности, научно-педагогические работники, вуз, функциональная модель, алгоритм
1. Abbas, R. Integrating soft skills assessment through soft skills workshop program for engineering students at university of Pahang-An analysis / R. Abbas, F.A.A. Kadir, I.A.G. Azmie // International Journal of research in Social Sciences. - 2013. - № 2. - Р. 33-46.
2. Austin, L.J.E. Staff Preparation, Reward and Support: Are Quality Rating and Improvement Systems Addressing All of the Key Ingredients Necessary for Change? Policy Report / L.J.E. Austin; Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California at Berkeley. - 2011.
3. Coppes, J. North American Society for Sport Management Conference sunulan bildiri / J. Coppes. - Florida, 2011.
4. Dahinden, U. Exploring the use of computer models in participatory integrated assessment–experiences and recommendations for further steps / U. Dahinden // Integrated assessment. - 2000. - № 1. - Р. 253-266.
5. Danielson, C. Evaluations that help teachers learn / C. Danielson // Educational Leadership. - 2011. - № 68. - Р. 35-39.
6. Guyatt, G.H. Going from evidence to recommendations / G.H. Guyatt // British Medical Journal. - 2008. - № 336. - Р. 1049.
7. Jacob, B.A. What's in a rating? / B.A. Jacob, E. Walsh // Economics of Education Review. - 2011. - № 30. - Р. 434-448.
8. Jing, T. On the Current Performance Assessment of Sports Teachers in General Higher Educational Institutions / T. Jing // Academic Journal of Shaolin and Taiji (Zhongzhou Sports). - 2001. - № 4. - Р. 15.
9. Kondakçı, Y. Administrative process in academic context: An assessment of administrative problems in higher education at faculty level. Unpublished Master’s Thesis / Y. Kondakçı; Middle East Technical University. - Ankara, 2000.
10. Kubinger, K.D. On faking personality inventories / K.D. Kubinger // Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling. - 2002. - № 44. - Р.10.
11. Liolios, A. Assessment of Current Engineering Education in Greece–Universities and Technological Institutes / A. Liolios, A. Boglou // ICEE. - 2007.
12. Liu, Z. LCE: 15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering: Conference Proceedings / Z. Liu. - 2008. - Р. 136.
13. Malara, Z. Methods of assessing human resources in companies effecting improvement / Z. Malara, J. Kroik, M. Brol // Critical essay. Management. - 2003. - № 7. - Р. 97-109.
14. Morozova, A. Neural network modeling of arbitrary objects during their bisubject qualimetric evaluation / A. Morozova // MEACS. - 2015. - Т. 124.
15. Morozova, A. Mathematical model of bisubject qualimetric arbitrary objects evaluation / A. Morozova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2016. - Т. 124.
16. Pounder, J.S.A. Behaviourally anchored rating scales approach to institutional self-assessment in higher education / J.S.A. Pounder // Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. - 2000. - № 25. - Р. 171-182.
17. Schaubde, J.M.A. Development of a student rating scale to evaluate teachers’ competencies for facilitating reflective learning / J.M.A. Schaubde // Medical education. - 2011. - № 45. - Р. 155-165.
18. Степанов, Ю.С. О проблемах получения рейтинговых оценок деятельности преподавателей, кафедр и факультетов во внутривузовской системе управления качеством образования / Ю.С. Степанов, М.И. Рабинович // Университетское управление: практика и анализ. - 2006 .- № 6. - С. 53-57.
19. Welches, L.J. Typological prediction of staff nurse performance rating / L.J. Welches, F.A. Dixon, E.D. Stanford // Nursing research. - 1974. - № 23. - Р. 402-409.