ГРНТИ 27.01 Общие вопросы математики
ГРНТИ 31.01 Общие вопросы химии
ГРНТИ 34.01 Общие вопросы биологии
The optimization of planning and realization of extraction and extractive distillation demand an in-depth qualitative and quantitative study of phase equilibria between aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons and solvents. In the chemical industry it is important to consider the properties of aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons when producing synthetic rubbers, plastics, synthetic fibers, explosive, aniline-ink and pharmaceutical substances. The results of study of physical and chemical properties of aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons can be applied in the automotive and aviation industry. The thermodynamic properties of fuel and mixtures should be studied to assistance a wider use of renewable types of fuel for motor transport. It is necessary to make a connection between the quality of fuel and the productivity of the engine. Aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons have high octane numbers therefore their presence in gasolines is quite desirable. On the other hand, their existence in diesel fuels impairs the fuel combustion process. Model PCEAS (Phase Chart Eutectic and Azeotropic Systems) allows to calculate activity coefficients and the liquid-solid and liquid-vapor equilibrium with a constant pressure on the basis of the Gibbs free energy minimization method, and also the parameters of eutectic and azeotropic points in the systems on the basis of aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons (benzene and monoalkylbenzenes with the normal alkyl chain) has been provided.
Aliphatic benzene hydrocarbons, enthalpy and melting temperature, enthalpy of vaporization and boiling point, phase transitions liquid-solid, liquid-vapor
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