The presence of the desirable alleles and genotypes of casein and whey protein genes in the genome of cows affects the milk protein content, quality and technological properties of their milk. Two important properties of milk its producibility is judged on are cheeseability and heat resistance. The present studies aimed at estimating the technological properties of milk of black-motley × Holstein and Kholmogorskaya breeds cows of the Tatarstan type with different kappa-casein ( CSN3 ) and beta-lactoglobulin ( BLG ) genotypes. The study was carried out using a sampling of the first-calf cows of 5 cattle-breeding farms of the Republic of Tatarstan. In animals, the CSN3 and BLG genotypes have been determined by a PCR-RFLP analysis. The cheeseability, heat resistance and thermostability of milk have been estimated using standard methods. The studies have established that the CSN3 and BLG genotypes of cows affected the condition of a casein clot and duration of milk clotting time. The best cheese-making properties of milk were inherent in the animals with the BB and AB genotypes of the CSN3 and BLG genes. They were superior to the coevals with the AA genotype in terms of the highest yield of the desired dense casein clot and the shortest duration of milk clotting time. The first-calf cows, which are the carriers of an A allele of the CSN3 gene, were superior to the animals with the BB genotype of the CSN3 gene on the thermostability of milk including that on the proportion of animals with this milk characteristic. The BLG genotype of the studied animals did not significantly affect the thermostability of milk. Moreover, the highest thermostability of milk was characteristic of black-motley × Holstein cows with the AA genotype.
Cow, milk, cheeseability, thermostability, allele, genotype, CSN3, BLG, PCR, RFLP
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