Кемерово, Кемеровская область, Россия
In contemporary economic conditions, when enterprises function in the environment of uncertainty, the search of new approaches to strategic management of enterprises becomes the objective of the management level. The formation of the mechanism of enterprise management improvement, which allows adapting management system to the changes of external environment, providing their high performance and competitiveness, is a very topical objective. The article substantiates the advisability of applying the balanced scorecard (BSC) for strategic enterprise management. The paper determines the sequence of using the balanced scorecard to assess the effectiveness of the strategies implementation of agribusiness enterprises. The authors have designed the economic-mathematical model of activity of manufacturing enterprise in the form of a multi-parameter problem of linear optimum management. It allows evaluating the strategy of its development considering the peculiarities of the agribusiness enterprise and the concept of BSC. The specified model has been approved by the example of an operating enterprise. With the help of automated software product numeric experiments have been conducted, describing various scenarios of the development of the agribusiness enterprise on the basis of the multi-parameter analysis of a number of key components of BSC, with the aim to reveal their mutual connection in the optimum regime. The authors draw conclusions about the advisability of accounting revealed parameter correlations and regularities while making a strategic map of BSC. It is stated that the application of BSC may be the basis for methodology of development and administrative decision making both at the present moment, and in the strategy of agribusiness enterprises management taking into account the specificity of their development.
balanced scorecard (BSC), math modeling, strategic management, food resources (food)
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