Астрахань, Астраханская область, Россия
Москва, г. Москва и Московская область, Россия
Астрахань, Астраханская область, Россия
Краснодар, Краснодарский край, Россия
To develop processing lines, it is necessary to calculate the level of integrity of technological systems and determine the stability of subsystems at a certain level of stability. The complex analysis allows us to study a change in the entropy of the system (the growth of system stability) by describing the mechanism of structural information accumulation. Identifying the ranges of variation of adjustable operating parameters using the proposed approach for energy and resource saving and predicting the stability of the line at the design stage, reducing the subjectivity of estimation of technologies and their hardware design, is original and, in this regard, relevant. The studies were conducted to justify the estimation of the stability of the technological flow as a system and its subsystems in their interconnection at a certain level of stability using the method for estimating fuzzy entropy on the basis of analysis of material and technical flows. The study objects are the integrity of technological and technical systems, the stability of processes, operations and equipment operation. As a result of the analysis of technological flows and a change in the entropy of the technical system, the mechanism of accumulation of structural information entropy has been studied. The carried out analytical and experimental studies have confirmed the possibility of predicting the stability of the operation of technical and technological systems, as well as the expediency of determining the ranges of variation in the parameters of operation of the lines, technological limits and the quality indicators of the finished and semi-finished products. Thus, this method is recommended for use in the food industry.
Theory of technological flow, system analysis, entropy, stability of technological systems, energy and resource saving
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