Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Currently, water from the centralized domestic drinking water supply system is mainly used to make non- alcoholic carbonated beverages and nectars. The classical technology does not always provide the purification of water from organic compounds. In addition, during water preparation, at the primary chlorination stage, chlorine-containing organic compounds (chloroform, dichloroethane, trichlorethylene, etc.) are formed due to the interaction of chlorine with natural organic substances. The by-products of natural water treatment by chloragents, in addition to the toxic and carcinogenic effects, can interact with the main components of products reducing their quality. Such water cannot be used for drinking purposes and in food production without the additional post-treatment. The results of the study of the effect of organic impurities present in water (chloroform, trichlorethylene and dichloroethane) on the stability of the components of non-alcoholic carbonated beverages (sodium benzoate, sucrose, citric acid, natural and synthetic dyes and vanillin) and nectars (color stability, vitamins A, C, group B) have been provided. The studies were carried out in the Kemerovo region using gas-liquid chromatography, molecular absorption spectroscopy, refractometry and capillary electrophoresis. The concentration of the main components of non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, nectars and priority contaminants (trichlorethylene and dichloroethane) has been reduced. It has been shown that chloroform does not come into chemical interaction with the components of beverages. The mechanism of interaction of sucrose, citric acid, sodium benzoate, vanillin, vitamins in non-alcoholic carbonated beverages and nectars with trichlorethylene and dichloroethane has been theoretically justified. It has been established that dichloroethane and trichlorethylene have a significant effect on the resistance of the main components of non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, with the exception of dyes, and also on the intensity of color and the preservation of vitamins of nectars, reducing the quality characteristics of beverages during production and storage.

Ключевые слова:
Chloroform, trichlorethylene, dichloroethane, drinking water, carbonated non-alcoholic beverages, nectars, quality indicators
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Список литературы

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