УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: In this work we analyze the effectiveness of vocational guidance activities aimed at the development of personal and professional self-determination of students, dynamics of personal growth, as well as the effectiveness of the process of development of personal and professional self-determination of rural schoolchildren. Methods: The author uses general methods of scientific knowledge, as well as empirical method of pedagogical research, methods of observation and mathematical statistics. Results: Innovative experience of developing personal and professional self-determination of rural schoolchildren is presented. The main organizational and pedagogical measures aimed at the development of personal and professional self-determination of rural schoolchildren are described and analyzed. Scientific novelty: In this work analyzed and described the dynamics of personal growth, personal and professional self-determination, as well as the formation of the personality of older teenagers in the conditions of rural school within the framework of innovation activity. Practical significance: The article presents the results of the forming experiment, the following tasks were solved: formation of a stable interest in the profession; Development of the need for professional activity, development of personal and professional self-determination.
development, senior teenager, vocational guidance, personal and professional self-determination, rural school, events, professional interest
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