УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: the aim of the study is to study the positive experience of foreign countries on information openness in the activities of public authorities and to find ways to improve the current legislation of Ukraine on this issue. Methods: dialectical, comparative-legal, systemic, generalization method, statistical. Results: The article considers the experience of developed foreign countries on openness in the activities of public authorities. Attention was drawn to the need to draw positive foreign experience into Ukrainian national legislation, in particular the establishment of a separate State body in Ukraine to monitor access to public information. Scientific novelty: for the first time, on the basis of an analysis of foreign experience, it was proposed to establish a separate State body in Ukraine to monitor access to public information and to create an electronic portal where each citizen had the opportunity to ask questions, express his/her wishes and proposals, etc. Practical significance: аnalysis of foreign experience of information openness of public authorities will allow to highlight shortcomings of domestic legislation and form proposals for its improvement, as well as will become scientific basis for development of this topic in the future.
information openness, open data, public authorities, information, foreign experience