УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Research purpose: Relations with the post-soviet countries, especially with the Caucasus republics became a special aspect of Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy, after the collapse of the USSR. The processes around the Islamic Republic of Iran have increased the attention to the foreign policy of this country, its relations with neighboring countries and its strategic goals. This article explores the dynamics of İran-Armenia relations in the context of regional security. Research methods: The methodological basis of the research is the principles of the theory of realism. A number of theoretical and applied methods (analysis and synthesis, comparison, group, disaggregation and generalization, historical and logical analysis) have been used to study the development of bilateral relations. Results: It is known that the Islamic Republic of Iran expected its main threats to its security from its southern and western neighbors. In this sense, the collapse of the USSR has created a new sphere of diplomatic activity for the Islamic Republic of Iran. On the other hand, Iran’s loss of influence in this region could pose new security threats to him. Scientific novelty: New forms of the stages of political relations marked out and was characterized.
Iran, Armenia, Caucasus, security, bilateral relations, geopolitics
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