Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Objective: study the experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people, analyze scientific researches and state social programmes on this issue. Materials and methods: methods of theoretical boundary (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, comparison, systematic approach) and concrete - scientific (analyses of literature, state nomenclature documentation, the method of defining concepts). Results: views of the scientists on the problem of social competence formation by means of physical culture and sports have been analyzed, experience of formation of the social competence by means of physical culture and sports in the Netherlands has been introduced, state role of this country in the creation of corresponding social programmes has been lined, the general directions of its realization has been defined, social effectiveness has been defined. Scientific novelty: is in the theoretical analyses of the physical culture and sports influence on the formation of social competence among young people in the Netherlands, experience of joint work of statesmen, scientists and specialists in physical culture and sport of this country in the creation of the social programmes, argumentation of the perspectives of physical culture and sports as the means of social development of personality in Ukraine. Practical importance: has been defined by received in the process of investigation data about formation of social competence among young people by means of physical culture and sports in the process of introduction of state programmes in the Netherlands can be used in the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine while solving issues which are connected with preparing of physical culture teachers and coaches to the professional activity in the context of individual self - development and professional self - determination.

Ключевые слова:
Physical Education, sport, social competency, world experience, students, Netherlands
Список литературы

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