УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to outline the content of translator and interpreter’s Bachelor and Master Degree Programs, their relevance to translator’s/interpreter’s competence, to substantiate the necessity of modernizing the content of translator and interpreter’s Bachelor and Master Degree Programs in accordance with the professional demand, to demonstrate the need to upgrade the teaching methods applied, to suggest possible solutions to the problems under consideration to enhance efficiency of translator and interpreter’s training. Methods: analysis of literature: study of modern researches on translator’s/interpreter’s competence, government laws, rules and regulations concerning Higher Education, university translator/interpreter Bachelor and Master Degree programs; sociological (questionnaires - google forms); induction, deduction, comparison, generalization, modelling possible solutions of the problems under consideration. Results: the paper outlines the content of translator/interpreter Bachelor and Master Degree Programs, their relevance to translator’s/interpreter’s competence. It shows the necessity of modernizing the content of translator and interpreter’s Bachelor and Master Degree programs in accordance with the professional demand in the region. The article describes the teaching methods applied in the process of training and demonstrates the need to upgrade them. Possible solutions of the problems under consideration which can enhance the efficiency of translator and interpreter’s training are suggested. Scientific novelty: the article substantiates the necessity to introduce certain changes into the content of translators and interpreters training and the character of teaching methods applied in the process under study; the research presents the analysis of translator and interpreter Bachelor and Master Degree Programs, taking into account the peculiarities of translator/interpreter competence in socio-professional environment, its present demand and orientation towards global integration. Practical significance: the results of the research and the practices described in the article can serve a springboard for further research and practical teaching activity, aimed at upgrading the content of translator/interpreter training and teaching methods, which meets the requirements of socio-professional environment and results in enhancing its efficiency.
translator/interpreter training, Bachelor’s Program, Master’s Program, translator’s competence, interpreter’s competence, teaching methods
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