Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Objective: research of additional costs caused by internationalization, classification and rationale of such costs, and formation the mechanism for cost management within the adaptation, standardization and situational approaches to marketing activities in foreign markets. Methods: generalization, data grouping, deduction, systematization, analysis. Results: Based on the review of the literature demonstrated that doing business in foreign markets is accompanied by the need to carry additional costs. Developed author’s classification costs of enterprises on internationalization into 3 groups: initial (creation costs), costs of forming and operating market position (current) costs. Determined costs, which make within standardization and adaptation of marketing activities in foreign markets. Scientific novelty: improved the mechanism of cost management enterprises, developed a typology costs of enterprises for internationalization, through which improved information base for decision-making on the internationalization of enterprises. Practical significance: identified the group of costs and justified certain costs, which made within the internationalization of enterprises, identified the strengths and weaknesses of using standardization and adaptation of marketing activities within the policy control costs. The advantages of applying the situational approach to the formation of marketing activities in foreign markets are substantiated, allowing enterprises to optimize the cost of internationalization. Advantages of entry into foreign markets in the organizing of the value chain are determined so as to make optimal use of the difference between costs and outcomes (effectiveness) using resources in different countries.

Ключевые слова:
internationalization, costs, foreign markets, enterprise
Список литературы

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