УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: the elucidation of various aspects of administrative responsibility for illegal export from Ukraine or import into its territory of objects of the animal world. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, system analysis, data grouping, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy and historical method. Results: the largest threats to biodiversity were identified, particularly pollution and destruction of natural habitats of animals and plants, management of hunting economy by predominantly extensive methods, poaching, scientifically unfounded introduction of individual fish species in the reservoirs, increasing the number of invasive species; basing on the analysis of studies of existing in the theory of administrative law views on the nature of administrative responsibility were ascertained scientific approaches to understanding the latter; the various aspects of administrative responsibility for illegal export from Ukraine or import into its territory of animals were reviewed, the object, objective side, subject and subjective side of the offense were described; were formulated concrete proposals for improvement of legal regulation of administrative responsibility in the area of protection, use and reproduction of the animal world, ecological control at border checkpoints. Scientific novelty: in this article basing on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine and practice of its implementation, theoretical analysis of scientific works on administrative law, were for the first time formulated a number of proposals aimed to improve legal regulation of administrative responsibility in the field of protection, use and reproduction of the animal world, normative-legal regulation in the sphere of ecological safety and environmental protection, ecological control at checkpoints across the state border. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the research field for further development of questions of administrative responsibility, law-making in the drafting of corresponding normative-legal acts in the practice of regulatory bodies in the field of protection, use and reproduction of the animal world
administrative responsibility, misconduct, legal regulation, the objects of animal world, area of protection, use and reproduction of animal world
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