Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Objective: To disclose the prospects of urban development. To preserve fragments of architectural monuments. To prove the topicality of combining fragments of architectural monuments with new projects. Methods: Preservation of fragments of architectural monuments by way of changing their functional purpose and adding modern materials and shapes. Results: The survey results support the idea and provide proof of expediency and topicality of using the preserved fragments in a modern urban environment. The change of functional purpose is an effective solution that imparts a unique appearance and a new life to architectural monuments. Conclusions: The analysis of world samples and use of the world experience will help solve the problem of urban development prospects. Applying alternative design solutions to tumbledown monuments will help preserve fragments of architectural monuments, save them from destruction and give them a fresh appearance.

Ключевые слова:
planning, design, preservation, architecture, fragments of monuments
Список литературы

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