УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to study text cohesion and discourse coherence via the presupposition base of the speaking individual, to focus on text cohesion through the synonymy of lexical units. Methods: meaning analysis, discourse analysis, text structure exploration, contextual analysis, selection and sampling, comparison and generalization. Results: based on the semantic-structural analysis of the text and discourse and the outlined research methods, the mechanisms of text cohesion and discourse cohesion are revealed; the article brings an in-depth analysis of the notion of the presuppositions base, its structure and mechanisms of structuring; it is claimed that depending on the content of the presupposition base, that is, its phenomenological and linguistic aspects, the speaking individual makes a choice from among the available linguistic cognitive structures of the presupposition base to actualize the discourse information and shape a cohesive text; synonyms serve as a linguistic cognitive structure used to give a linguistic shape to the discourse pertinent presuppositions and serve as text anaphora. Scientific novelty: for the first time based on the presented methods the innovative comprehensive research is undertaken to the study of text cohesion and discourse coherence through the presupposition base which is a new word in linguistics. Practical significance: the main results and conclusions of the paper can be used in research and teaching activities, specifically in theoretical and practical courses addressing text and discourse structure, formation and semantics.
presupposition base, presupposition, speaking individual, synonymy, text cohesion, discourse coherence, anaphora
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