УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to consider the features of the industrial market, to conduct the analysis of theoretical positions on formation of the relationship between industrial consumers and enterprise. Methods: systematization, analysis, deduction, dialectical and logical methods. Results: presented in the article, theoretical, methodological provisions form a single set of scientific and practical software which has some theoretical and practical significance, which is a real opportunity to use it in practice by business entities in the process of evaluation of enterprise competitiveness, the business attractiveness of the partners, the willingness of consumers to use products for industrial purposes and the formation of an effective system of enterprise relationships with partners in the transformation today’s socio-economic environment of Ukraine. Scientific novelty: has a theoretical value - highlighted the concept of the consumer availability as perceived need in the consumption and use of certain products of the enterprise, which has a customer value to enhance the business efficiency of the enterprises-consumers. Practical significance: this methodical approach has a practical value, because it can be inculcated in practical activity of industrial enterprises, that will allow considerably to improve the business approach to the choice of future consumer or partner. The article is devoted to the strategic aspects of marketing management by an industrial enterprise in conditions of acute competition of the modern market. The article examines the main aspects of loyalty in business; theoretically substantiated methodological guidelines on the assessment of the readiness of consumers-enterprises to use high-tech products for industrial purposes. It is revealed that one of the problems of innovative development of enterprise in the industrial market is the formation of an effective system of partnership relations, which in turn depends on the level of attraction of business partners.
competitiveness of industrial enterprises, loyalty of partner relations, satisfaction of customer, marketing strategy, innovative activity
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