Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Development of scientific-technical progress generates inevitable changes in traditional lifestyle of the peoples, which leads to the extinction of the entire topical groups of vocabulary. The necessity to study archaic and dialect lexical layer that serves to name animal transport is provoked by the fact that this part of the vocabulary gradually passes into passive use: together with realia, their names also disappear. Currently, this category of words in the speech of middle-aged and younger people is limited or not used at all. In this respect, timely collection and fixation of terminological units of the specified industry, their systematization within the frames of intra-verbal and inter-verbal means of term formation become especially relevant.

Ключевые слова:
terminologisation, archaisms, dialecticisms, animal ­, transport
Список литературы

1. Big definition dictionary of the Yakut language = Саха тылын быһаарыылаах улахан тылдьыта: in 12 vol./Edited by P. A. Sleptov. - Novosibirsk: Nauka

2. Okoneshnikov E. I. Sakha language: problems of lexicography and terminography (collection of scientific articles)/E. I. Okoneshnikov. - Yakutsk: IGIiPMNS SO RAN, 2015. - 210 p

3. Sleptsov P. A. Yakut literature language. Origins, establishment of norms. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1986. - 261 p

4. Sleptsov P. A. Degrees and problems of Yakut language studies (collection of scientific articles)/P. A. Sleptsov; Council for language policy under the President of the RS (Ya), Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North SO RAN. - Yakutsk: IGIiPMNS SO RAN, 2008. - 544 p

5. Means of transportation and settlements of Yakuts/Ethnographic blog about the peoples and countries of the world, their history and culture//[Electronic resource]. - Available from: http://lib7.com/narody-sibiri/1621-sredstva-peredvizhenija-i-poselenija-jakutov.html - Title from screen

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