Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article is devoted to American-Chinese relationships in trade and investment spheres. There are comparisons of huge American and China’s trade blocks (such as One Belt, One Road vs. TPP and TTIP). Conclusions of the article are made in long-term prospects.

Ключевые слова:
China, the USA, trade blocks, TPP, TTIP, One Belt, One Road (OBOR), AIIB
Список литературы

1. President Obama: The TPP would let America, not China, lead the way on global trade/Washington Post (May 2, 2016) URL: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/president-obama-the-tpp-would-let-america-not-china-lead-the-way-on-global-trade/2016/05/02/680540e4-0fd0-11e6-93ae-509%2021721165d_story.html

2. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)/Global Affairs Canada URL: http://www.international.gc.ca/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/tpp-ptp/index.as px?lang=eng

3. RCEP: The next trade deal you need to know about/CNBC (October 14, 2015) URL: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/14/tpp-deal-pressures-rcep-trade-talks-in-busan-china-keen-for-progress.html

4. Стапран Н. Битва за интеграцию: Транстихоокеанское партнерство и «Один пояс, один путь» как главные экономические проекты года/Портал МГИМО университет (11.01.2016) URL: http://mgimo.ru/about/news/experts/bitva-za-integratsiyu-transtikhookeans koe-partnerstvo-i-odin-poyas-odin-put-kak-glavnye-ekonomichesk/

5. Kerry invites Russia, China to join TPP on condition of raising country standards/Interfax (November 2, 2016) URL: http://www.interfax.com/newsinf. asp?id=630420

6. Китайское предупреждение Обаме/Военные пенсионеры за Россию и ее вооруженные силы http://militariorg.ucoz.ru/publ/ukraina_krym_rossija/kitajskoe_preduprezhdenie_obame /17-1-0-61730

7. America vs. China in Africa/Foreign Policy in Focus (December 1, 2011) URL: http://fpif.org/america _vs_china_in_africa/

8. Xi Suggest China, Central Asia Build Silk Road Economic Belt -Xinhua/English.news.cn (September 7, 2013) URL: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-09/07/c_132700 695.htm

9. One Belt, One Road/CaixinOnline (October 12, 2014) URL: http://english.caixin.com/2014-12-10/100761304.html

10. Фонд Шелкового пути приветствует участие китайских и зарубежных инвесторов/Consortium “Chemico” URL: http://www.chemico-group.com/ru/index.php?option=com_ content&id=575&Itemid= 136

11. Минфин Китая: Испания, Южная Корея и Австрия стали учредителями AIIB/РИА Новости (11.04.2015) URL: https://ria.ru/east/2015 0411/1057920016.html

12. Why US Allies Are Happy to Loin China’s AIIB/The Diplomat (June 30, 2015) URL: http://thediplomat.com/2015/07/why-us-allies-are-happy-to-join-chinas-aiib

13. Concerns rise over US-EU trade talks/BBC News (October 11, 2014) URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29572475

14. What is Brexit? What will happen now Britain has voted quit the EU?/Daily Express (August 24, 2016) URL: http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/645667/Brexit-EU-European-Union-Referendum-David-Cameron-Economic-Impact-UK-EU-exit-leave

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