Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Purpose: to study the structure, main tasks and peculiarities of the functioning of the regional regulatory bodies of education in the Kharkiv Governorate, created by different governments, that struggled for power in Ukraine during the revolution of 1917-1921 years. Methods: comparative, chronological, system analysis and quantitative research methods. Results: Using the example of the Kharkiv Governorate, the struggle for power in Ukraine during the fight for national liberation of 1917-1921 years is considered. The activity of different governments on the territory of Ukraine in the scope of regional education management is analyzed. The place of education in the revolutionary plans of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi and the representatives of the Soviet government is defined. Scientific novelty: For the first time, the basic subdivisions of the local regulatory bodies of education in Kharkiv and their activities during the revolution of 1917-1921 years are studied. A comparative analysis of different models of education management, created by the Ukrainian and Soviet governments is made

Ключевые слова:
zemstvo, ukrainization, teacher’s conference, governorate department of education, state bodies’ structure
Список литературы

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