Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Objective: to consider new learning models in higher education system in the course of training of highly qualified personnel; to detect advantages and disadvantages of remote learning system for students. Methods: in this work we used general scientific methods of theoretical learning, which allowed us to examine new forms and models of learning, used in the modern educational process. Results: we revealed directions of learning methods in higher educational institutions and estimated contribution of intellectual capital into economic growth of the country. Scientific novelty: we estimated the contribution of remote learning model in the training of highly qualified personnel; this model will allow to increase the return of investments into education and to positively affect the economic growth of the country. Practical relevance: fundamental provisions of the article may be used in preparation of “the road map” of development of higher educational institutions and training of personnel for modernized economy.

Ключевые слова:
education technologies, electronic learning, remote model, education reform
Список литературы

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