УДК 94 Всеобщая история
Objective: to consider new learning models in higher education system in the course of training of highly qualified personnel; to detect advantages and disadvantages of remote learning system for students. Methods: in this work we used general scientific methods of theoretical learning, which allowed us to examine new forms and models of learning, used in the modern educational process. Results: we revealed directions of learning methods in higher educational institutions and estimated contribution of intellectual capital into economic growth of the country. Scientific novelty: we estimated the contribution of remote learning model in the training of highly qualified personnel; this model will allow to increase the return of investments into education and to positively affect the economic growth of the country. Practical relevance: fundamental provisions of the article may be used in preparation of “the road map” of development of higher educational institutions and training of personnel for modernized economy.
education technologies, electronic learning, remote model, education reform
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