Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
In this paper, we examine the relationship of the SME index with magnetic storm characteristics and interplanetary medium parameters during the main phase of magnetic storms caused by CIR and ICME events. Over the period 1990–2017, 107 magnetic storms driven by (64) CIR and (43) ICME events have been selected. In contrast to AE and Kp, a stronger correlation is shown to exist between the average SME index (SMEaver) and interplanetary medium parameters during the magnetic storm main phase. Close correlation coefficients between SMEaver and the SW electric field (southward IMF Bz) have been obtained for CIR and ICME events. SMEaver has been found to increase with the rate of magnetic storm development and |Dstmin|. For CIR and ICME events, no difference has been revealed between SMEaver and |Dstmin| in linear regression equations.

Ключевые слова:
magnetic storm, SME index, Dst index, solar wind, electric field
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Список литературы

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