Objective: This paper addresses the issue of how to improve quality of legislation and policy in Ukraine in the context of implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU, Public Administration Reform and more generally promoting economic growth and prosperity in Ukraine. It aims to identify the main directions of developing legislative drafting procedures and capacity both in the executive system and in the Parliament. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy. Results: The essential basic factor of the “European” nature of legislation is the attention to the quality of law, resulting from efficient legislative and policy-making process, which shall be an open and transparent, one where citizens and stakeholders, such as businesses, can contribute, and where decisions are based on evidence of what is likely to work. As a consequence, legislation should not only achieve the purpose for which it was initiated and be realistic in terms of implementation, but also create minimum possible regulatory burdens on businesses, citizens or public administration. Scientific novelty: for the first time on the basis of the presented methods, the article studies the traditions and recognized practice of good legislative processes of some European countries to generate ideas about methodology and quality of legislative process could be changed in Ukraine. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in policy making, reform implementation, scientific activities in addressing issues of economic security of the national economy.
Legislative process, Legal drafting, Policy implementation, Public Administration Reform, the Ukraine
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