Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This paper is based on the results of the work done during a long period of time in the framework of the International Project "Atlas of Lithopaleographic, Structural and Geoecological Maps of Central Eurasia''. Having generalized the original and published data available for the geologic structure and paleomagnetism of the Altai-Sayan and Ural regions, the Siberian Craton, the East-European Platform, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Tien Shan, palinspastic maps have been compiled for the Vendian, Early Cambrian, and Early and Late Ordovician 600, 525, 500, and 450Ma. The maps depict the composition of the rocks and the environments of their origin. The structure, evolution, and geological history of the Paleoasian Ocean is described as a system of marginal basins and island arcs belonging to the continental margin of the East Paleogondwana a fragment of the Rodinia Supercontinent, including the early stages of the transformation of the Paleoasian Ocean into a fold-and-nappe structure. The maps are accompanied by numerous cross sections, palinspastic profiles, and maps of some areas, showing the details of individual structural features.

Ключевые слова:
Vendian-Early Paleozoic, history of the continental margin, Eastern Paleogondwana, Paleoasian Ocean.
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Список литературы

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