Estimation of land surface temperature and distribution across Land use/land cover in response to coal mining activity in V. D. Yelevsky coal mine area – Russia
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):

Land surface temperature is an important factor in many areas, such as global climate change, hydrological, geophysical, biophysical, and land use land cover. This study attempts to retrieve the current statue of V. D. Yelevsky coal mine area in Russia and estimate Land surface temperature in the area of the years of 2006, 2010, and 2019. Furthermore, the study shows the distribution of land surface temperature among land use land cover in the area and implies spatial correlation between land surface temperature and normalized different vegetation index by using Landsat 5 and Landsat 8. The results show that the statue of coal mine portion has increased from 43.89 km² in 2006 to 111.40 km² in 2019. Also, in the three periods maximum images temperature was recorded in coal mine area (32.05°C in 2006, 31.24°C in 2010 and 32.81°C in 2019), while minimum temperature value of land use land cover types varies among the years. In 2006 minimum value of 12.36°C recorded in water bodies area, 12.36°C across forest area, and again 18.41°C across water bodies in 2019. Consequently, the average land surface temperature of overall area for the three observed years has increased from 18°C to 22.2°C, it means that changes of land surface temperature have been observed from the period of 2006 to 2019. On the other hand, the results show that land surface temperature and normalized different vegetation index for the three study years have strong negative correlations with 𝑅 square value of (𝑅² = 0.93 in 2006, 𝑅² = 0.99 in 2010 and 𝑅² = 0.87 in 2019) respectively.

Ключевые слова:
Coal mine,remote sensing,Landsat 5 and 8,land surface temperature,normalized difference vegetation index
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