Wave Regime of Vietnamese Waters on the Basis of Numerical Modeling and Field Measurements
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This paper presents results of research of the wave regime in Vietnamese waters (South China Sea) based on the data of numerical modeling data using the WAM model (WAVE Modeling). The model domain covers the basin of the South China Sea (SCS). The bathymetry of the SCS used in the model is based on the ETOPO5 digital database. Wind parameters are based on the six-hour NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data with a resolution of ΔX = ΔY = 0.25° over the period 1979–2021. The field wave data measurements were collected by the Institute of Oceanography of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in the southern central Vietnamese waters in 2013. The statistical data of computed wave characteristics for the period of 43 years (1979–2021) illustrate that the main wave direction in Vietnamese waters was NE during the Northeastern (NE) monsoon, and in the opposite direction during the Southwestern (SW) monsoon. The NE monsoon wave was more dominant than that of the SW monsoon wave. Recurrence frequency (%) of significant wave height Hs >1.0 m (Hs – significant wave height is an average of 1/3 the largest of serial waves relative to average seawater level) greater than 50% covered the northeastern, central region of the SCS, and central Vietnamese coast. The wave recurrence frequency in the Gulf of Tonkin and Gulf of Thailand was <40% and <30%, respectively. The central Vietnamese coast from Ly Son Island to Phu Quy Island was the strongest affected by wave action. The recurrence frequency of the maximum significant wave height Hs >3.5 m was greater than 1.5%. The Gulf of Tonkin (Bach Long Vi Island) and the Gulf of Thailand (Tho Chu Island) were less affected by wave action than the central Vietnamese coast: the recurrence frequency of the maximum wave height (Hs>3.5 m) was less than 0.1%. Phu Quy and Con Dao Islands were more influenced by wave action during both seasons than the central coast of Vietnam.

Ключевые слова:
Vietnamese waters, South China Sea (SCS), wave regime, significant wave height, monsoon, WAM model
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Список литературы

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