Рассмотрена роль жиров в процессе образования структуры теста и выпеченных хлебобулочных и мучных кондитерских изделий. Представлены критерии выбора жировых продуктов по пищевой ценности и физическому состоянию для получения безопасной и качественной продукции. Предложен способ производства мучных кондитерских изделий с жидкими растительными маслами и натуральными пищевыми добавками стабилизирующего действия на основе биополимеров.
жиры, масла, тесто, выпеченные мучные изделия, пищевые добавки.
Flour goods are a wide-range group of flour-based products, different in their recipe com-position, production technology, and consumer attributes. Baked bread goods are bread, buns, pies, and doughnuts. Pastries include cookies, hardtacks, crackers, gingerbread goods, wafers, fruitcakes, jelly and cream rolls, small cakes, cakes, Oriental sweets, etc. They are charac-terized by high gustatory qualities, a pleasing appearance, and convenience in consumption and storage.
Pastries and baked bread goods are a weighty group of mass consumption foods, which enjoy persistent and stable demand. Their variety is ensured by variations in the quality and relation of recipe components, as well as by the diversity of technological methods, regimes, and equipment. At the same time, there are common features characteristic of flour baked goods, such as the use of the same raw materials (flour, sugar, fats, etc.), analogous semiprepared goods (emulsion, dough, baked semiprepared products, etc.), and similar technological operations (kneading, baking, etc.).
The raw components that form a complex system during the preparation and structure de-velopment of flour baked goods play the decisive role in the formation of their consumer attrib-utes. Their relation is determined by the recipe---the aggregate of critical and additional raw materials. The critical raw materials in the production of pastries are flour, sugar, and fats, while those used in the production of bread goods are flour, yeast, salt, and water. In addition, the recipes include a large list of other raw materials, such as dairy products, egg products, fruit and berry products, leavening agents, flavorings, and so on.
Depending on the formula, the quality of the critical and additional raw materials, and technological methods and regimes, one gets dough with various structural and mechanical properties, which, after baking, yield products with different textures. In other words, the diversity of baked flour goods is mainly determined by the development of different types of dough. Each dough type is prepared under strictly established relations of recipe components and the observance of the technology that ensures obtaining a product with specified properties.
The majority of baked flour goods and their semiprepared products are multicomponent disperse systems, in which particles of the disperse phase are distributed in a dispersion medium of a complex composition. They are characterized by a high concentration of the disperse phase in dispersion media and a strongly developed interphase surface. The properties of such disperse systems are determined primarily by surface phenomena at interphase boundaries, such as processes occurring at interfaces: moistening, adsorption, adhesion, and others. Spatial structures emerge in the systems, whose type is determined by the type of contacts between particles of the disperse phase and the composition of the dispersion medium.
A large number of works study how dough is formed from wheat flour [1--5]. The best studied is the development of bread-baking dough. Mechanisms of developing different types of pastry dough are less studied. This is due both to the diversity of dough types and raw components and to different conditions of their interaction. Fats, along with flour and sugar, are important ingredients of pastry dough, which affect its structural and mechanical properties and the texture of products. The properties of fats are very complicated and diverse.
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