Москва, г. Москва и Московская область, Россия
ГРНТИ 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
ББК 3297 Вычислительная техника
In this article, we describe the mathematical model of the reflective surface as a scattering layer with the diffuse substrate and randomly rough Fresnel boundary. This model opens the way for a physically correct description of the light reflection processes with polarization account and hence enables engineers and designers to obtain much more precise results in their work. The algorithm of Fresnel boundary modeling based on the method of mathematical expectations reduces calculation time by constructing the randomly rough surface only at the ray trajectory nodes instead of constructing realizations of a random field. As a part of the complete reflective surface model, the algorithm made it able for us to model the effect of the average lens emergence.
mathematical model, reflection, refraction, polarization, reflective surface, light scattering
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