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Аннотация (русский):
This article discusses the role of a corporate website as a unique tool in terms of its functional and informational capabilities, capable of solving many problems facing an organization. Analyzed the main features and problems of the development of corporate sites. The main stages of the design of corporate sites are considered, the key features and difficulties that arise at each of the stages of design are highlighted

Ключевые слова:
corporate website, commercial organization, design, engineering, graphic design, graphic elements, design, concept, formal-figurative composition
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The modern Internet space in the XXI century is a special, unique, progressive and actively updated information environment, which opens up vast prospects for both commercial organizations, corporations and government agencies in need of wide information coverage [3, p.118].

It is for this reason that the development of your own corporate website for organizations of any profile in the prevailing conditions is the formation of a tool that is unique in its functional and informational capabilities, capable of solving many problems facing an organization - from its popularization in the consumer environment, increasing the competitiveness of the organization in a certain local market, facilitating the work of the organization's employees, until a certain image of the organization is formed both in the eyes of buyers and potential consumers of services and products that this organization provides, and in the eyes of business partners [9, p.211].

The design of corporate sites, therefore, is a unique and highly demanded service in the modern information market in the business environment [10, p.101]. The development and design of a corporate website has a number of specific features and a number of problems that often arise in the process of work at each of its stages [7, p.34]. It is necessary to analyze the stages of the design of a corporate website, as well as its key features and problems that arise in the process of working on each of the stages of design, in more detail.

Conventionally, the process of design-engineering of a corporate website of an organization can be divided into the following main stages:

1. Stage of pre-project analysis. This stage is one of the fundamental, key points in the process of design-engineering of the corporate website of the organization, since the success and effectiveness of all the main stages of the development of a corporate website will depend on the results of its completion in the future [5].

The stage of pre-project analysis, therefore, is the stage at which a systematic integrated approach of the design-design process is implemented, which includes a thorough analysis of the information received about the organization for which the corporate website is being designed, its 689898/target audience, the key needs of the organization and the target audience, as well as analytics of the theoretical foundations of the process of designing a corporate website of organizations of a similar profile, which is necessary for the process of creating a basic formal-figurative composition, the fundamental concept of the final design concept [8, p.362].

It should be noted that one of the most common, common problems-errors that can be encountered at this stage of the design process of the corporate website of an organization is that effective activities to form the final design concept, the concept of a corporate website should be based only on theoretical comprehension. the basics of the process of designing a corporate website for organizations of a similar profile, but not in any way on the practical use, "borrowing" of certain graphic elements from other corporate sites [4, p.437].

This is due to the fact that such a design decision can hardly be considered correct, since only unique graphic objects combined into a single semantic concept, into a single formal-figurative composition, will be the key to developing an effective final graphic product that serves a specific set of needs of a particular company. needing to develop a corporate website.

Thus, the stage of pre-design analysis, which is a systematic integrated approach to the design-design process, includes a thorough analysis of the following factors underlying the formation of the concept of a corporate website for a particular organization:

– the key needs of the organization, which it pursues by creating its own corporate website,

– key needs of the target audience of the organization (Clausura);

– analytics and careful analysis of the information received [2, p.64].

The main goal of the pre-project analysis stage is to find effective ways to solve the problems and tasks facing the organization, which it is possible to solve for itself by creating its own corporate website. Therefore, the key task of the pre-project analysis stage is a thorough and comprehensive study of the design-design object in accordance with its existing needs, problems and needs.

The stage of pre-project analysis in the process of designing a corporate website is also one of the key ones for the reason that through the analysis of the information received, it is already possible at this stage to determine the basic, basic graphic solutions for the formation of the concept of corporate graphics, the colors and fonts used.

The stage of pre-project analysis, which is a preparatory stage for the next stage - the stage of forming the concept of a corporate website - allows you to determine the main elements of this concept using such an effective tool for visualizing the concept and its fundamental ideas as a clausura.

Clausura is a formal-figurative composition that allows you to visually reflect those plastic, font, graphic and color solutions that will form the basis of the concept of a corporate website of a particular organization, to check the "correctness", the harmony of their relationships [6].

The purpose of the clausura, therefore, is not only to find a general graphic idea for a corporate website design project, but also to check it later. One of the key features of checking the effectiveness of such a formal-figurative composition at the stage of pre-project analysis is that it can be presented to a focus group in order to identify associations, thoughts and emotions that it evokes - the more positive feedbacks close to the main idea and concept. the focus group has a clausura, the higher the likelihood that the developed formal-figurative composition of the corporate website of a particular organization is effective, correct and as close as possible to the technical task facing the designer.

2. The next stage is the formation of the concept of the corporate website of the organization, which is based on the terms of reference, data obtained at the stage of pre-project analysis, the most effective clausura and its graphic and design solutions. Formation of the concept of a corporate website is also one of the important stages in the design process.

The most effective results at this stage can be achieved if the concept is presented in maximum detail in text form, and in the process of developing the fundamental graphic and design solutions, its author will strictly follow not only the customer's technical specifications, but also the concept itself.

Thus, the concept contains not only those goals and objectives that are set by the customer and are contained in the terms of reference, but also the rationale for the visual, graphic, font, plastic solutions developed and implemented in corporate graphics.

It is for this reason that the stage of forming the concept of the corporate website of the organization seems to be extremely important, since the effectiveness of the final graphic product - the corporate website, as well as how successfully it will solve the tasks set for it initially, will depend on the success of its implementation stage of pre-project analysis.

3. The next stage in the process of developing a corporate website is the design-design stage itself. At this stage, the development of those key graphic constants that will form the basis of the concept of the corporate website of a specific organization formed earlier, at the previous stage, is taking place.

The basis of this stage includes the following design design processes - visualization of the idea, the concept of the corporate site of the organization, the development of key graphic elements of the corporate site.

Before embarking on the process of visualizing the final graphic solutions that will form the basis of the concept of a corporate website, it is necessary to select five adjectives that will make it possible to characterize as clearly as possible the data about the organization, its key needs and features, about the target audience of the future corporate website, which were obtained on stage of pre-project analysis.

Further, when adjectives are defined, on their basis, a clear, final formal-figurative general composition is formed. Sometimes at this stage of design, it has already been formed in the process of pre-project analysis and tested in a focus group. Nevertheless, if a formal-figurative composition has not yet been formed, a certain sequence is necessary in the process of its creation - first graphic solutions, then color ones.

Violation of the sequence is also one of the typical mistakes in design design, since on the basis of certain graphic solutions it is much easier to work with the input of a certain color scheme: first, the search for the final formal-shaped composition in its graphic representation - line, tone, is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the character and plastic, and only then there is the introduction of certain color combinations into the selected graphic representation of the formal-shaped composition, the introduction of color into the tonal composition and the selected plastic.

4. The final stage in the process of design-engineering of the corporate website of the organization is the testing stage. It also tests the most formal-figurative composition (clausura) on the final target audience, and technical testing of the graphic elements of the finished corporate website (loading speed of graphic elements, positive or negative dynamics of perception of the graphic design of navigation and sitemap).

According to experts, a good result for a clausura that fully reflects the successful completion of the technical assignment for creating the final graphic product, and the effectiveness of its subsequent work for the benefit of the organization for which the corporate website was developed, is 60-70% of positive responses from the target audience [1, p. 54-56], which revealed exactly those associations that were originally incorporated into the clausura by the technical task and the tasks that face the corporate website as a tool aimed at solving certain problems and difficulties in the activities of the organization.

Список литературы

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