Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The features of lifelong learning are analyzed. Lifelong Learning recognizes the workplace as the most stimulating learning environment in which everyone can learn on their own or as a team. Physicians and other professionals in the health care system may perceive continuous learning and the idea of constant renewal as additional burdens. At the same time, organizations that encourage the acquisition of new knowledge become more dynamic and progressive. Professions are constantly changing, so professionals must be prepared for these changes, for new roles and new requirements, in the process of emerging new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive technologies in the healthcare sector.

Ключевые слова:
lifelong learning, life success, continuing education, medicine, postgraduate education
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In the modern information society, there is an awareness that the development of economic and social relations in the state depends on the level of education of citizens who are able to independently set and implement goals aimed at achieving success in life. It is no coincidence that in all post-industrial countries education is attributed to priority spheres of activity, because it not only acts as the basis for the self-realization of each individual, but also is the basis for the dynamic development of society.

It is education that plays the main role in the formation of human capital, which is now becoming a decisive factor in both the economic development of the country and the achievement of a person's life success. So, in spite of the fact that the knowledge of an individual today is turning into the main resource of his self-realization, the task of analyzing the problem of learning throughout his life becomes urgent, which largely determines the achievement of a person's life success[1].

The purpose of this article is to analyze the problem of learning throughout life, lifelong education as a necessary prerequisite not only for self-realization of a person, but also for the dynamic development of society in an information society.

Given the rapid pace of development of society and the processes of globalization and informatization, the new reality of our time is that human knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly. The requirement for constant and prompt retraining of a person, the expansion of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, without which it is no longer possible not only to make a career, but also simply to stay in the workplace, is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, in the conditions of an information society, achieving a person's life success is impossible without constant mastering of new knowledge, without improving skills and competencies that will contribute to the formation of a creative personality who can not only independently and critically rethink existing frames of everyday practices, but also form new ones, ahead of social development. This will allow a person to effectively adapt to difficult living conditions, independently set and achieve goals, cultivate the necessary qualities and acquire knowledge that will be in demand in the future[2].

The principle of "lifelong learning" today operates in all civilized countries, since in the conditions of an information society, each person constantly lacks certain knowledge and needs to be regularly updated. The number of people who continue their education and master new professions or improve their qualifications is growing. This is for many reasons: existing medical professional knowledge is rapidly becoming obsolete; the professions popular in the old days are becoming unclaimed; a person loses interest in the profession in which she is engaged, or seeks to improve the quality of professional knowledge.

With a personalized, evidence-based approach, doctors use the principle of lifelong learning.

Lifelong learning principles are considered to be at play when:

- professional development programs are based on already acquired knowledge and skills;

- ideas are discussed between different professionals in the health care system;

- achievements lying within and outside one specialty are used to improve practice;

- reflection and evaluation are translated into practice and contribute to personal and professional development.

Auditing and external peer review, along with personal development planning, are tools that physicians use to deliver quality care to their patients and create a creative environment that fosters learning for all members of the healthcare team.

Continuous training should and can improve the quality of medical care and intensify the professional growth of each specialist.

As a result of this process, physicians are expected to become:

- innovators in their work;

- flexible in the process of changing requirements of clinical practice;

- capable of disseminating knowledge and principles of good practice through external assessment and audit;

- able to adapt to the changing needs of the healthcare system and patient expectations;

- capable of realizing a creative approach to work;

- confident in themselves and their activities thanks to the knowledge of the manager and excellent business qualities.

Postgraduate education has become the main area of ​​implementation of the idea of ​​mass lifelong education. It is here that the problems of modern education turned out to be especially acute. It is important to see that this area is not a usual continuation of the existing education system, an additional superstructure over it, designed to compensate for the shortcomings of formal education, but it acts as a special industry, with special relations between the participants in the educational process, special educational motivation, the goal of people who combine study with work[3].

In modern society, knowledge, innovations, technologies and methods of their practical application are increasingly the source of profit. At the same time, the sphere of education, which is significantly dependent on the economic sphere, and educational activity becomes an important component of the economic development of society. In addition, information and theoretical knowledge are the country's strategic resources and, together with the level of education development, largely determine its sovereignty and national security of the state.

Today, the following important trends in the development of education are distinguished: the transition from the concept of functional training to the concept of personality development, intensive interaction between states in the field of education, the development of market relations in this area. They determine the main directions in the development of the new education system. The fundamental difference between the new system and the traditional one lies in its technological base.

The new education system is focused on informatization: the realization of the high potential of computer and telecommunication information technologies with the implementation of one of the main advantages - distance learning[4].

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Neryungri Medical College", SBPEI RS (Y) "Yakutsk Medical College" offer a new system of additional education for specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education.

Continuing medical education (CME) is a new system of additional professional education (APE), which provides continuous improvement of knowledge and practical skills in the specialty throughout the entire working life[5].

One of the conditions for continuing medical education is full-time professional retraining of medical workers on the basis of an educational institution using simulation technologies, practical training in a clinical setting.

Under CME, educational institutions implement advanced training programs for medical and pharmaceutical workers with secondary vocational education.

The Small Medical Academy is a structural unit of the NEFU Medical Institute.

The Small Medical Academy is the Center for Medical Career Guidance in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for schoolchildren who are willing to devote their lives to medicine[6].

Forms of student learning:

- for schoolchildren of grades 9-11 in Yakutsk;

- MMA schools: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring (grades 5-11 of secondary schools in Yakutsk and the RS (Y) - during vacation time, upon individual request;

- distance (correspondence) with schoolchildren of grades 9-11 of the RS (Y) and other regions of the RF;

- vocational guidance classes in MMA (grades 1-11 of secondary school in Yakutsk and the RS (Y)).

During the existence of the Small Medical Academy, about 1200 students graduated from it. The percentage of admission of "little academicians" to higher educational institutions of the country was 83%.

Long-term, fruitful career guidance work with schoolchildren of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) became a prerequisite for the fact that the Small Medical Academy was repeatedly noted by school directors, heads of municipal education departments, chief doctors of central ulus hospitals, as well as MI colleagues.

The Small Medical Academy of the North-Eastern Federal University and School № 31 of the city of Yakutsk signed a cooperation agreement in 2016 - a medical class was opened in the educational institution, where children planning to become doctors study.

In the conditions of the intensive formation of the information society, the "era of knowledge" begins and a model of education, work and life itself is created, which are "based on knowledge", which is accompanied by the process of continuous education. Continuing education is a complex of public, private and public educational institutions that provide organizational and substantive unity and further interconnection of all levels of education, satisfying a person's desire for self-education and development throughout his life. The basis for building a system of continuous, professional education is the constant renewal of the education received, the acquisition of new skills and abilities necessary for a successful and effective professional activity. At the same time, diversity and continuity is viewed not only as a promising trend, but also as a condition for achieving a new quality of education[7].

The characteristic features that determine lifelong education as a factor in personality development are the staging and integrity of the process, the temporal and spatial parameters of the doctor's interaction with various sources of information, the personality parameter of lifelong education. From the standpoint of a systems approach, this process is a matrix that consists of all possible elements of the system in a series of mutual communications.

Fixed assets of continuing education: short-term courses, seminars, lectures, long-term programs (specializations, internships, with the possibility of their implementation abroad), modular programs, distance learning, summer schools, scientific seminars, master classes.

Continuing education is one of the foundations of the strategic development of postgraduate education of a family doctor, implemented by optimizing the training system, retraining employees, improving their qualifications, modernizing the software system based on state standards.

The World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) recognizes the priority of continuing education as a professional duty of a physician, and also as a condition for improving the quality of medical care.

In SBPEI RS (Y) "Yakutsk Medical College" in the WFME standards it is noted that the institution's library should be aimed at increasing the importance of both clinical and theoretical experience of a doctor, teaching organizational skills, developing communication skills, conducting research and administrative work, mastering the provisions medical ethics[8].

Thus, in connection with the intensive dynamics of socio-economic, information and technological changes, intensive updating in education and the requirements for professional skills of specialists, it is obvious that there is a need to optimize existing and develop new programs for improving the qualifications of medical personnel.

The use of innovative technologies in teaching makes it possible to get a world-class education, become a competitive specialist, provide every citizen with modern medical care and have the opportunity to choose a job in any country.

The main requirement for the competitiveness of education, without a doubt, is its quality. But at present, the education system has certain difficulties and contradictions. In the modern world, education is a priority area of human activity, the significant achievements of which formed the basis for global social, scientific and technological social changes. And education reacts more quickly to all those changes that are taking place in society

Список литературы

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