Кемерово, Кемеровская область, Россия
Цель: рассмотрение актуальной информации о применении пищевых волокон в рецептурах обогащенных мясных продуктов, а также влияния их на технологические свойства мяса.
мясные продукты; биологическая ценность; пищевые волокна; растворимые волокна
1. Afoakwah, N.A., Dong, Y., Zhao, Y.S., Xiong, Z.Y., Owusu, J., Wang, Y. & Zhang, J.Y. 2015. Characterization of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) powder and its application in emulsion-type sausage. LWT-Food Science and Technology 64(1), 74–81.
2. Berizi, E., Shekarforoush, S.S., Mohammadinezhad, S., Hosseinzadeh, S. & Farahnaki, A. 2017. The use of inulin as fat replacer and its effect on texture and sensory properties of emulsion type sausages. Iran Journal of Veterinary Research 18(4), 253–257.
3. Zhang, W., Xiao, S., Samaraweera, H., Lee, E.J. & Ahn, D.U. 2010. In Special Issue: 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (56th ICoMST), Korea. Meat Science 86(1), 15–31.
4. Pietrasik, Z. & Janz, J.A.M. 2010. Utilization of pea flour, starch-rich and fiber-rich fractions in low fat bologna. Food Research International 43, 602–608.
5. Kılınççeker, O. & Kurt, Ş. 2018. Effects of inulin, carrot and cellulose fibres on the properties of raw and fried chicken meatballs. South African Journal of Animal Science 48(1), 39–48.
6. Mallika, E., Prabhakar, K. & Reddy, M. 2009. Low Fat Meat Products - An Overview. Veterinary world 2(9), 364–366.
7. Dıaz-Vela, J., Totosaus, A., Escalona-Buendıa, H.B. & Perez-Chabela, M.L. 2017. Influence of the fiber from agro-industrial co-products as functional food ingredient on the acceptance, neophobia and sensory characteristics of cooked sausages. Journal of Food Science and Technology 54(2), 379–385.
8. Sun, C.Y., Wang, J. & Zhang, K.S. 2010. Process research on inulin as the fat substitute. Food Fermentation Technology 46, 56–60.