Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The culture industry should become attractive for capital investment through the development of organizational-economic mechanisms of support in the form of integrated structures as well as through the development of mechanisms of its financing: systems of culture multi-channel backing and state-private partnership which would allow to create prerequisites for the appearance and implementation of new ideas and projects in the culture field, contributing to culture sphere formation as a full-fledged source of state income. As a result of this project implementation, original new fundamental theoretical assumptions and empirical data in the culture industry field and the regional development will be obtained. The project focuses on the study of fundamental basics research of the culture industry functioning, solves scientific problems of the culture industry effectiveness evaluation and direction justification of its support and funding; there are being worked out strategies and mechanisms of the culture industry efficiency development and increase in accordance with the characteristics and needs of regional economies.

Ключевые слова:
индустрия культуры, механизмы развития, интегрированные структуры, информационные технологии, финансирование, инновационный потенциал, потоки ресурсов, логистический подход
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Список литературы

1. Exploring the Northern Dimension, available at:

2. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.S. Financial, Material and Informational Flows: Interaction Point in Logistics / / RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. — 2017. — No. 2. pp. 48–51 (in Russian).

3. Garnov A., Kireeva N. Strategic Planning and Management as Basis for Business Value Increasing by Multi-link Logistics Chains / / Logistics. -2012. No. 1 (62). — pp. 20-23 (in Russian).

4. Garnov A. P., Kireeva N. S. Logistics Tools. — Moscow: Creative Economics, 2009 (in Russian).

5. Kireeva N. S. Innovative Mechanism of Management

6. Bourbieu P. Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature // R. Jonson. Cambridge: Polity press 1993, p. 21.

7. Throsby D.Economics and Culture. // M. Ed. House. Higher School of Economics. 2013, p. 159 (in Russian).

8. Benjamin V. Work of Art in the Era of its Technical Reproducibility. // Moscow: Goethe Cultural Center; Medium 1996. p. 196 (in Russian).

9. Adorno T. W. Culture Industry Reconsidered, in Culture Industry; // R. W. Witkin, Adorno on Popular Culture, p. 85.

10. Malshina N. A. Model of Management Improvement of Flow Processes in Integrated Services Complexes // Saratov University News. New series.Series "Economics.Management.Right” 2014.No. 1.pp. 163-167 (in Russian).


12. Gabler — Lexicon on Logistics. Logistic Management.Terms and Definitions.Text. // Under editorship of Professor P. Clauss, Professor V. Krieger. Germany, Weisbaden, Gabler Publishing house, 2000. — 449p.

13. Garnov A. P., Kireeva N. S. Financial, Material and Information Flows: Point of Interaction in Logistics // RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. — 2017. — No. 2.48-51pp. (in Russian).

14. Garnov A., Kireeva N. Strategic Planning and Management as a Basis for Increasing by Multi-Link Logistic Chains of Business Cost. // Logistics. -2012. No. 1 (62). 20-23pp. (in Russia

15. Logistics Efficiency Index for 2016 / Logistic Portal. — URL: (in Russian).

16. Malshina N. A. Conceptual Functioning Principles of Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Socio-cultural Service System. // LogistizationVestnikUniversiteta. — No. 5. — 2013, 48-62pp. (in Russian).

17. Sergeev V. I. General Trends in the Development of Logistic Centers Abroad // Scientific-analytical journal "Logistics and Supply Chain Management". — October 2012 №5 (52) — URL: (in Russian).

18. Federal State Statistics Service — URL: Russian).

19. Garnov A., Protsenko I. Vital Problems of Logistic Management of Cargo Transportation Processes // RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. 2016. No. 2. — 30-33pp. (in Russian).

20. European Agreement on the Most Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Facilities (AGTC). Accepted in Geneva February 1 1991 (accessed on June 12, 2017).

21. Logistics Efficiency Index for 2016. Logistic Portal. — URL: (in Russian).

22. Malshina N. A. Integrated Service Complex of Culture Industry in Subjects of the Russian Federation. // Izvestiya Saratov University. New series: Economics. Management.Right. — 2016. — No. 2.180-186pp. (in Russian).

23. RF Ministry of Culture Order of June 28, 2013 N 920 "On approval of methodical recommendations on developing by public authorities of Russian Federation subjects and local governments of activity efficiency indicators of subordinated culture institutions, their heads and workers by the institution types and workers main categories" — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017, in Russian).

24. TACIS-95 program: Development of Transport Sector in the Russian Federation: North-West Transport Corridor. — Brussels: "TACIS", 1995. 24p.

25. Prokofieva T. A., Sergeev V. I. Logistical Centers in the Transport System of Russia: Textbook. // Ed. house "Economic Newspaper", 2012, 524p. (in Russian).

26. Sergeev V. I. Conceptual Approaches for Design and Classification of Logistic Centers. // Logistics and Supply Chain Management. 2010. No. 4.8-19 pp. (in Russian).

27. Sergeev V. I. General Trends of the Development of Logistics Centers Abroad. // Scientific-analytical journal. Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2012.No. 5 (52). URL: (accessed on June 12, 201, in Russian).

28. System of Indicators to Assess the Effectiveness of State Theater. // Handbook of Culture Institution Head. — 2016, — No. 8. — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017, in Russian).

29. Socio-economic Situation of Russia — 2017. // Federal State Statistics Service — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017, in Russian).

30. Federal State Statistics service — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017, in Russian).

31. ARTANDHOUSES-URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017)

32. Bowersox D. J., Kloss D. J., Gelferich O. K. Logistical Management. — // Macmillan Publishers, 3., 1991.

33. Exploring the Northern Dimension — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017)

34. Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects Database. The World Bank Group — The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Faculty July 2008.

35. TNS Media Research. — URL: (accessed on June 12, 2017)

36. National accounts 2018 // Federal State Statistics Service-URL: (accessed 12.05.2019) (in Russian).

37. Office for National Statistics. URL: (accessed 12.05.2019) (in Russian).

38. Protsenko I.O. Innovative Logistics — Prospects and Realities // Journal of Russian Entrepreneurship. — 2005. — No. 12 (72). — pp. 89–94. — URL: (accessed 12.05.2019) (in Russian).

39. Malshina N.A. Methodology of Flow Processes Interaction in Logistic Chains of Socio-cultural Service Sysytem // Izvestiya Saratov University. New series. Series: Economics. Management.Right. 2013. T. 13. — No. 1-1. — pp. 38–42.(in Russian).

40. Sergeev V. I. Management in Business Logistics. // M.: INF.ed. House "FILIN", 1997

41. Innovation Resources: Organizational, Financial, Administrative: Studies. no. // Edited by Prof. — M. UNITY-DANA., 2003

42. Effectiveness of Logistics Management: Textbook for High Schools. //Under editorship of L. B. Mirotin. M.: Publishing house "Examination", 2004 — 448 pp

43. Malshina N. A. Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Logistics of Social and Cultural Service Providing Innovative Development of the Volga Region. //Innovative Bulletin of Regions. No. 1.2013 5-11 pp.

44. Plotnikov A. N., Pchelintseva I. N. Management of Social Investment of Microeconomic Systems: Monograph //Saratov. 2009. — 173 p.

45. Hesmondalgh D. 2014. Culture.

46. Fesel B., Sondermann M. 2007. Culture and Creative Industries in Germany. // Bonn, 2007. p. 21

47. Malshina N. A. 2012. Theoretical Bases of Efficiency Increase of Functioning of Logistics Systems Flow Processes of Services Sector on the Basis of Traditional Concepts — Financial Flows // Proceedings of the Saratov University. Ser. Economy. Management.Right. 2012. Vol. 12., Vol.1., рр. 72-76 (in Russian).

48. Pontryagin L. S. 1974. Ordinary Differential Equations. 1974. M., Nauka(in Russian)..

49. Novikov D. T. 2012. Formation of Logistic Support in the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Developments / RISK. 2012. № 4.,рp. 27 (in Russian).

50. Malshina N. A., Bryntsev A. N. 2017. Support of Cultural Services through the Integrated Service Centers: Prospects for Development. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Fall 2017. Volume VIII. Issue 6 (28).рр. 1827-1839.

51. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Strategy of Scientific-Technological Development of RF" dated December 1, 2016 No. 642 // Administration of the President of Russia 2018. (in Russian).

52. Kupriyanovskii V. Yu. et al. Information Technologies in the System of Universities, Science and Innovation in Digital Economy on UK Example / / International Journal of Open Information Technologies. — 2016. — V. 4. — no. 49. — Pp. 30-39.

53. Katasonov V. Yu. On China Digital Economy // VseSovetnik, online magazine. (in Russian).

54. Garnov A. P., Garnova V. Yu. Innovative Potential of Russia: Problems and Prospects of Realization / / RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. — 2016. — No. 1. Pp. 92-97 (in Russian)..

55. Science, innovation and Informational Society // Federal State Statistics Service / URL: / (in Russian).

56. Materials for the Parliamentary Hearings on February 20, 2018 on "Formation of Legal Conditions for Financing and Development of Digital Economy" // State Duma Committee on Financial Market / URL: (in Russian).

57. Garnov A. P., Kireeva N. S. Financial, Material and Information Flows: Point of Interaction in Logistics / / RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. — 2017. — No. 2. Pp. 48-51 (in Russian).

58. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.C. Strategic Planning and Management as a Basis of Business Value Increase by Multi-link Logistics Chains // Logistics. 2012. № 1 (62). — pp. 20-23.

59. Garnov A. P., Kireeva N. C. Logistics Tools: Monograph. 2nd edition, added // M: INFRA-M, 2017. — 254 p.

60. The Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2013 N 920 "About Approval of Methodical Recommendations on Development by Public Authorities of Russian Federation Subjects and by Local Governments of Indicators for Efficiency Activity of Subordinated Culture Institutions, their Heads and Workers by Organization Types and Workers Major Categories" — URL: (application date 12.06.2017) (in Russian)

61. Socio-economic situation in Russia — 2017 / Federal State Statistics Service-URL: (application date 12. 06.2017) (in Russian)

62. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation // Culture Committee [electronic resource] — access mode — URL: Russian)

63. Materials on Parliamentary Hearings on February 20, 2018 on "Formation of Legal Conditions for Financing and Development of Digital Economy" // State Duma Committee of Financial Market [electronic resource] — access mode — URL: Russian).

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70. Bourbieu P. The Field of cultural production: essays on art and literature. Cambridge: Polity press. 1993. 321 р.

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73. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Strategy of Scientific-Technological Development of RF” dated December 1, 2016. No. 642 // Administration of the President of Russia 2018. URL: (in Russian).

74. Effectiveness of Logistics Management: Textbook for High Schools // Under editorship of L.B. Mirotin. M.: Publishing house “Examination”, 2004. 448 pp.

75. Exploring the Northern Dimension, available at:

76. Fernandez R. Women, work, and culture // Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008. № 5. P. 305–332.

77. Fesel B., Sondermann M. 2007. Culture and Creative Industries in Germany // Bonn, 2007. P. 21.

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79. Garnov A.P., Garnova V.Yu. Innovative Potential of Russia: Problems and Prospects of Realization // RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. 2016. No. 1. Pp. 92–97 (in Russian).

80. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.S. Logistics Tools: Monograph. 2nd edition, added // M: INFRA-M, 2017. 254 p.

81. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.S. Financial, Material and Information Flows: Point of Interaction in Logistics // RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. 2017. No. 2. Pp. 48–51 (in Russian).

82. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.S. Financial, Material and Informational Flows: Interaction Point in Logistics / / RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. 2017. No. 2. Pp. 48–51 (in Russian).

83. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.S. Logistics Tools. Moscow: Creative Economics, 2009 (in Russian).

84. Garnov A., Kireeva N. Strategic Planning and Management as Basis for Business Value Increasing by Multi-link Logistics Chains // Logistics. 2012. No. 1(62). Pp. 20–23 (in Russian).

85. Garnov A.P., Kireeva N.C. Strategic Planning and Management as a Basis of Business Value Increase by Multi-link Logistics Chains // Logistics. 2012. № 1 (62). Pp. 20–23.

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99. Malshina N.A. Methodology of Flow Processes Interaction in Logistic Chains of Socio-cultural Service Sysytem // Izvestiya Saratov University. New series. Series: Economics. Management. Right. 2013. T. 13. No. 1–1. Pp. 38–42 (in Russian).

100. Malshina N.A. Model of Management Improvement of Flow Processes in Integrated Services Complexes // Saratov University News. New series. Series “Economics. Management. Right” 2014. No. 1. Pp. 163–167 (in Russian).

101. Malshina N.A. Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Logistics of Social and Cultural Service Providing Innovative Development of the Volga Region. //Innovative Bulletin of Regions. No. 1. 2013. Pp. 5–11.

102. Malshina N.A., Bryntsev A.N. 2017. Support of Cultural Services through the Integrated Service Centers: Prospects for Development. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Fall 2017. Volume VIII. Issue 6(28). Pр. 1827–1839.

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