The article analyzes the changes in the spiritual, moral and religious climate in Russian society in XIX - early XX century. The peculiarities of national modernization, that predetermined the gradual destruction of the traditional patriarchal way of life of the masses, are revealed; they led to the transformation of the world towards its secularization. The underlying problems of "religious ignorance" of a large part of the Orthodox population of the central part of Russia are determined, which are expressed in a large number of superstitions, prejudices and heresies incompatible with the official teaching. The crisis of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is characterized, which is expressed in the rapid numerical growth of the various sects, strengthening of the Old Believer communities, the development of free God-seeking and spreading atheism. The pedagogical foundations of Russian Institute of elders are considered in the article, which determine certain anthropological strategy for Russia and are based not only on legal laws, but also on spiritual and moral primordial. Great importance is paid to the justification of the role of the institutions of elders in matters of correction of juvenile offenders.
elders, spiritual guidance, educational activities, juvenile offenders
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