Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Traditional media play an important role in the modern information society life. It is common practice to consider radio, television, outdoor advertising and print publications as the main traditional media. The importance of identifying of traditional media’s innovative aspect as indispensable stage of their efficiency increasing is emphasized in this paper. Two essentially different areas of print advertising are considered: specialized newspapers and glossy magazines. Major innovative approaches to press advertising are reveals as follows: synchronization of printing issue and web-site content (for specialized newspapers), and use of a magazine PDF-version, E-INK-technologies and magalogs (for glossy magazines). Differences in innovative advertising technologies applying depending on media size are pointed out, and examples for outdoor advertising are provides as follows: use of wind resistant large-sized billboards («ribbon technologies») and holographic images for posters. Innovative solutions for various media are offered as follows: Internet-radio stations’ projects and broadcasting sponsorship (for radio advertising), possibility for television broadcasts viewing from a TV-channel corporate web-site, and virtual product placement (for television). Innovative approaches to the old media are considered in detail in the paper. The innovative advertising technologies’ role in the traditional media in a context of modern information environment is defined.
advertising technologies, innovations, media-channels, traditional media, advertising process’s innovational aspect.
Одной из важных составляющих жизни современного информационного общества являются рекламные медиа. К традиционным медиа-каналам, в первую очередь, принято относить прессу, наружную рекламу, радио и телевидение. В настоящий момент наблюдается снижение эффективности рекламы в традиционных медиа, связанное с чрезмерным наполнением традиционных каналов рекламным контентом. Одним из решений данной проблемы является применение инновационного подхода к рекламе в традиционных медиа. Выявление инновационных аспектов рекламы на различных медиаканалах является одним из ключевых шагов к повышению ее эффективности.
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