Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is considered some aspects of economic activity of non-commercial organizations. The author notes that updated norms of the Russian Civil code not fully take into account economic principles of operation non-commercial organizations in conditions of market economy. That is why the desired effects from their work in Russia are not received. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship of legal categories “income-generating activity of non-commercial organizations” and “entrepreneurship activity of non-commercial organizations”. Author came to a conclusion that this categories have various economic essences. The income-generating activity for the non-profit organizations may have different characters, including as the main. Consequently the author indicates the need for a differentiated approach in determining the fundamental possibility and valid frames of implementation the income-generating activity for the non-commercial organizations. The article proposes to distinguish groups of non-profit legal entities and give them any special opportunities in the implementation of income-generating activity. These opportunities depend on the purposes of the organizations and the chosen methods of operation.

Non-commercial organizations, legal entities, income-generating activity, entrepreneurship activity, economic activity.

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