This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the legal status of a person, which is one of the most important subjects, and at the same time, the object of environmental legal relationships, is central to the system of fundamental environmental values. The author discusses the features of a person’s status in the theory of environmental law, the problems of legislative fastening and implementation of its main environmental rights and responsibilities. In particular, studies the scientific debate on the inclusion of a person in the list of objects of environmental protection, the role of the right to limit the intensive development of human nature, the incarnation of the right to human environmental concerns, on the criteria of a favorable environment. The article also analyzes the issues of the exercise of human rights and environmental responsibilities as a subject of legal relations, the issues of the implementation of their rights “of general nature” of his participation in the environmental legal relationship as a “special” subject.
Environmental legal relations, environmental rights, environmental obligations, objects of environmental protection.
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