The method and results of the study of reverse extrusion of billet by cylindrical punch in a conical expanding matrix are described. The mathematical model, which we developed for the determination of specific extrusion force, is described too. The study by statistical method verified the adequacy of the model. This model made possible to assess the resistance of punches and showed the ability to produce deformation of a billet made of low carbon steel without heating. The developed process includes the operation of segmenting of the cylindrical workpieces from bar, heat treatment, lubrication and extrusion of the workpieces. The two-way cold extrusion of a billet is produced in a matrix alternatively by two punches. The design of the stamp is described. The stamp is specialized for reverse extrusion of a billet. In its construction the moving mechanism of action of the two alternately punches in one matrix is used.
parts of the type of cup with a flange, outer expanding conical surface, inner cylinder surface, low carbon steel, cold two-way extrusion in single matrix, stamp for cold extrusion.
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