Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern international legal regime of the Arctic is regulated by multilateral international treaties at all levels of legal regulation: universal, regional and subregional. Universal international treaties regulate the legal status of various objects environment, define the legal status of maritime areas or regulate certain types of human activity, including in relation to the Arctic region. Regional multilateral treaties are concluded between the Arctic states on specific issues of environmental protection and emergency rescue activities. Subregional treaties concluded between states of the Western Arctic for the coordination and optimization of intergovernmental cooperation in the Barents (Euro-Arctic) region. In addition, each of the levels of international legal regulation of the regime of the Arctic has certain drawbacks. Universal international treaties that apply to the Arctic sea areas do not always take into account their specific features. Regional international treaties don´t cover complete circle of relations developing between the Arctic states in the course of their cooperation. Subregional treaties apply only to the Western Arctic, and do not regulate the activities of States in the Eastern Arctic and Central Arctic (North Pole region).

Arctic, Barents (Euro-Arctic) Region, the Arctic Ocean, multilateral treaties, universal treaties, regional treaties, subregional treaties.

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