Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the application of one of the most modern and actively used interactive methods of teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic University – a case study. Method of case study is focused on students teaching methodology and develops critical thinking and communication skills of interpersonal communication. This method can be used to motivate students to use foreign language more in class. The authors believe that the method of case study is interdisciplinary by its nature and provides an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. The article emphasizes that working with cases requires students’ active development of research skills and skills in using multiple data sources. The authors believe that the types of case study can be different, it depends on the difficulty level and language skills of the students, so it’s necessary to choose the right kind of problem of the lesson appropriate to the level of knowledge of this group. Method of case study contributes to the development of skills in written and oral communication, as well as improves skills of cooperation and teamwork. The authors pay attention to the fact that classes using techniques of case study put students in a real situation, teaching them organizational skills such as the ability to hold a business meeting, to negotiate, to prepare and deliver presentations. The article describes the stages of the work, showing the advantages and difficulties of applying case study in the foreign language. When using this method of teaching it is necessary to equip classrooms with modern teaching technical facilities. The aim of this article is to determine the value of case study method as one of interactive methods of teaching foreign languages at the University, to familiarize the reader with the experience of using this method in teaching foreign languages at the Russian state University of tourism and service.

interactive learning, foreign languages, method of case study, method of cases, cases

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