The content and specific legislative amendments in the regulation of the forms of substitution position of head of the municipality in accordance with the provisions of the federal law 03.02.2015 N 8 «On amendments to articles 32 and 33 of the Federal law “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” and the Federal law “On general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation”» are analyzed in this article. Author analyzed the problems and assessed, evaluated and formulated possible trends of the realization of the institution of city-manager replacement as head of the municipality, the person elected representative body of its members and the head of the local administration, the elected head of the municipality. The liability issues of head of the municipality are analyzed, the relevance of the regulatory definition of effective measures and quality assessment of performed official functions are given, the grounds and procedure responsibility for the improper operation of a regulation of an adequate mechanism for the application of these instruments as well are presented. In terms of issues of selection of the optimal model form of substitution position of head of the municipality author concluded that constitutional due to the trend of development of municipal democracy hampered by conflicting decisions of the sectoral legislative regulation.
City manager, elected head of the municipality, deputy head of the municipality, local issues, local community effectiveness.
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