Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
As a result of convicts employees’ poll, study of judicial practice and analysis of statistical data the author revealed the main problems preventing penitentiary prison crime. Bare stuff, insufficient qualifications of employees, employee turnover, crime liaison officer with the criminal world, lack of work organization convicted — these problems are causality reduction for convicts, increase the feeling of permissiveness supervision density from convicts, increase the number of complaints and appeals on the work of correctional institutions, a possible deterioration of the operating environment, reducing the output level of the convicts in paid work and as a consequence of the impossibility of the convicted have the funds to account. The author proposes measures of warning penal crime by improving the implementation of innovative safety systems which can reduce the burden on the staff of the correctional facility, arrange round the clock monitoring of prisoners, as well as the employment of convicts by attracting outside organizations on ways to use the best practices of some of territorial bodies.

Penitentiary crime, prevention measures, crime, condemned, video control, labor employment.

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