The article considers the substance of the constitutional-legal status of judges as a scientific category. View of the constitutional-legal status of judges as a set of four modes of judges (professional, business, corporate and modus citizen, a limited constitutional rights legislation on the status of judges in the light of their functional interactions and relationships is presented. The author provides definitions of professional modus of judges as persons, which is a carrier of the judiciary; official modus of judges as persons passing the civil service at the state the position of the Russian Federation (state positions of the Russian Federation subject); corporate modus of judge as a member of the judicial community that defines its special position in the public service, who is simultaneously in the system of state power and over it; the modus of citizen with special civil status of persons restricted in their civil rights and livelihoods of the law on the status of judges, which occupies a separate position in society.
Constitutional and legal status of judges, judge’s status as a scientific category, modus judges, professional modus judges, official modus judges, corporate modus judges, modus and status of an individual, limited constitutional rights legislation on the status of judges, public office, judicial community, member of the judicial community, civil status, system of state power, constitutional rights of citizens, participation in the administration of justice.
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