Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article author´s approach to the research of a regional shadow stream is offered. Relevance and importance of work consists in the formulation of a technique of factors analysis of a regional shadow stream on the basis of data about the state of economic crime. The author´s hypothesis is presented– according to economic crime it is possible to establish the relationship between the separate economic crimes, which will let to identify common factors contributing to taking illegal economic benefits from shadow economic entities. The method of regional factors analysis of flow shadow is to solve three problems: structural analysis to highlight the most important categories of economic crime; assessment of the presence and nature of the relationship between the essential categories of economic crime; assessment of identified dependencies to determine the common factors of the shadow flow. According to the survey, two basic factors of the development of a regional shadow stream are highlighted as the most significant: the degree of openness of the transport sector; transparency of agents, commissioners. Application of the proposed method allows to detail the measures taken to strengthen the national security of Russia.

regional shadow stream, statistics of economic crime, shadow economy, material damage

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