Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research focused on post-slaughter evaluation of meat productivity and meat quality the Kazakh White-headed breed when introduced into the diet of feed additives BioDarin. Presents the results of the control slaughter heifers 18 months old as well as the results of studies of morphological and chemical compositions of the carcass. The research was conducted post-slaughter evaluation of meat productivity and meat quality of heifers of Kazakh White-headed breed when introduced into the diet of feed additives BioDarin. Scientific and economic experiment was carried out on the basis of JSC AIC «Alga+» Tuimazinsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the experiment there were formed 4 groups of heifers of Kazakh white-headed breed: group I – control; group II heifers in addition to the basic diet received a feed additive in a dose of 0.5 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, the animals of group III received 1 kg of the feed additive per 100 kg of grain mixture, peers IV groups received 1.5 kg of a grain mixture. Among the studied groups, heifers of the III experienced group receiving feed additive at a dose of 1.0 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, had a high level of meat productivity. It was found that meat products of the best quality was got also from animals of group III.

slaughter, calves, morphological, composition, carcasses, feed, additive

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